a woman's got ambitions, same as he does, maybe more

Oct 03, 2013 13:09

This morning, I ate my lunch for breakfast, because the applesauce I brought for breakfast (on Monday, when I didn't want it either; I didn't want it Tuesday or Wednesday, either) was unappealing. I don't know. Yesterday, I got fig newtons out of the vending machine when my hands started to shake from the caffeine instead of eating the applesauce. Hopefully, next week I'll be able to bake something I want to eat. *hands* I've also been drinking the terrible but cheap coffee from the newsstand downstairs, since the Keurig machine provided by work is on the fritz and I've been trying to quit my expensive Starbucks habit. I guess I'll scrounge up a bagel for lunch. My life, you guys, it is the hardest.


Since last night's "new" episode of Arrow turned out to be a catch-up clip show, I ended up watching Sunday's The Good Wife season premiere.


FLORRICK & AGOS IS A GO. "WE ARE THE NEW WILL AND DIANE." YES PLEASE AND THANK YOU. ALICIA YOU BETTER NOT BACK OUT NOW. Though Diet Carey doesn't like her, which will make things interesting.

KALINDA AND ROBIN! ♥ I will be sad to see the dynamic duo broken up when Robin goes to Florrick/Agos.

GENEVA! CAN WE HAVE HER FULL-TIME NOW THAT THE STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ISN'T THE ENEMY? (I'd say she should come to Florrick/Agos but she doesn't like Cary [for good reason] so I don't see that happening.)

DAVID LEE IS A FULL-TIME CAST MEMBER NOW. \o/ He is so going to make Alicia's life miserable when she leaves. I enjoyed Kalinda's attempts to stonewall him, though if you ask me, it's because of Alicia, not Cary. *will always secretly ship Alicia/Kalinda*

Eli as Peter's chief of staff! Peter once again going back on his convictions because he wants to make things easier on himself by moving Melissa George out of his range of temptation. Here's a tip, Peter. Keep your pants zipped and stay faithful to your wife, who you've recommitted to. It's very easy. We all do it all the time, even when we have attractive co-workers. There's no way this isn't going to blow up in Peter's face at some point, so I'll just wait and see what happens.

Alicia's "don't end up hating me" was kind of heartbreaking. I can't tell if she's leaving LG so that she can remove herself from temptation, or so that she can strike back up with Will without him being her boss, but I don't think he's going to take her leaving well. Especially not with Diane also leaving, and him being stuck with David Lee, who will most certainly demand to be a named partner.

I could have done without the "Grace is noticed as being hot" subplot, but I have a feeling that will pay off down the line. As will everything else, I hope. Such a promising start to the season, and a nice continuation from the back nine of last season, which jolted to life after dropping the deadweight of that godawful storyline of which we do not speak.

PS: If you wrote about the premiere, link me! I did not think to bookmark anyone's posts to read later.



What have you just finished reading?

Since we last spoke on this subject I have updates!

I finished Julia Child's My Life in France, which I enjoyed a lot, though again I shudder at the idea of aspic or any kind of non-dessert food item as a mousse or gelée. I realize I am a peasant with the palate of a finicky six year old, but still. Some things are not meant to be jellied!

I also read The Fortune Cookie Chronicles by Jennifer 8. Lee, which I also enjoyed, though I thought it needed better editing and probably to end a couple chapters sooner. It meanders a bit in a way that made me impatient, and I thought it didn't really do a good job bringing together the two main threads - the origins of the fortune cookie in the US and the impact of Chinese immigration on the immigrants, the US, and the development of American-style Chinese cuisine, though both topics were really interesting. It's also a very surface read of the latter, without delving into a lot of the problems involved. I think Lee's background as a journalist comes through in the writing, though as I said, I thought it could have used tighter editing.

After I finished that, I decided I needed something light and non-controversial, so I read a couple of Star Wars novels. I don't think I've read a Star Wars novel since sometime in the early 90s, and while when I was a kid, I read a bunch of the earlier ones that somehow got included in the extended universe canon, I didn't really read beyond the Thrawn trilogy (see below). So Scoundrels by Timothy Zahn was a lot of fun. It's basically Ocean's Eleven with Han as Danny and Lando as Rusty. How could I not like that? It would have had to have been really terrible for me not to enjoy it, is what I'm saying. It also features at least one character I found vaguely familiar (again, see below) though I couldn't figure out why. Anyway. It's a fun read, and even though some of the twists are telegraphed if you've ever read a heist story, I still enjoyed it. I thought the Han voice was particularly good.

Then I read the new Princess Leia novel that just came out, Razor's Edge by Martha Wells. I finished this yesterday on my commute home, and again, I really enjoyed it. I liked that it deepened Leia's characterization and took into account her diplomatic training, as well as her youth and anger, and her experiences in the first movie. I also liked that there were a lot of ladies in important positions, both in their respective organizations and within the narrative. Plus, it's a story about pirates and how actually terrible they are. Could have used more Han/Leia banter - they spent a good portion of the novel separated, which I always find annoying - but there was one scene where the UST was ratcheted up nicely. Again, I'm not sure how bad this would have had to be for me to not like it since Han/Leia is one of my OTP OF OTPS. FORMATIVE INFLUENCES AHOY. But it was good. And Wells gives pretty good fight scenes, which is a plus.

What you're reading now

The library came through with Visitation Street by Ivy Pochoda, but I am not really in the mood for gritty realism about dead girls, so I am rereading, for the first time since they came out, the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. I started Heir to the Empire this morning, and now I realize that's where the vaguely familiar character in Scoundrels is from. But I haven't read this book in ~20 years, so I remember basically nothing, which makes it fun.

What you're reading next

The next two Thrawn books, and by then I will hopefully also have House of Hades, the next Percy Jackson, which I am sure to devour. October 8, I am waiting impatiently for you!

And then maybe Visitation Street, if I'm feeling slightly less emotionally fragile, or any of the million* other things I have downloaded but haven't read yet.

*an exaggeration, but not by much

I do not have a Star Wars icon, which is sad-making. I used to have a Leia one, way back in the day, iirc. I also need a Melinda May icon, a Felicity Smoak icon, and an Abbie Mills icon. Anyone got tips on where I could find such things? (I swear I dl'd a couple of Felicity icons over the summer, but they are nowhere to be found now. Sigh. I suppose I could search my gmail for links but that is tiresome.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/604977.html.
people have commented there.

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, books: star wars, books, tv: the good wife, my life so hard

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