Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well

Oct 01, 2013 14:04

The Middleman: The Crowd-Funded Franchise Resurrection!


It's not a reunion movie, but I will take a new comic (where apparently comics!Wendy [as played by AMBER BENSON] meets show!Wendy) and a table-read with the cast if that is what they are able to give me.


In case anyone else doesn't know about this,
ratcreature pointed the way to this AO3 post about how to use the site's filter IDs to filter out stuff you don't want to see without some of the issues involved in using the text of the tag, and there's a userscript you can install called "AO3 saved filters" that will allow you to save those filters so you don't have to keep entering them. I have since installed the script on every computer I work on, along with "-filter_ids:7265" (without the quotes) and now I don't ever have to see Steve/Tony in the Steve/Bucky or Tony/Pepper tags again! (You can find the id # by going to the tag you want to block and hovering over the subscribe button.)


Last night's episode of Sleepy Hollow reinforced my desire for Mills sisters fic for yuletide. Oh yes, give me the SPN AU, where they are demon hunters in an awesome car, and Abbie left to become a cop and Jenny shows up four years later to drag her back into the life, possibly having broken out of the hospital. Or give me the Fringe AU - especially since John Noble is going to be showing up, and last night's ep really cemented that comparison with Abbie and Ichabod shirtless and strapped down and dosed with some kind of toxin to give them visions. I liked how Abbie wasn't sexualized at all - it was very Olivia-in-the-tank - and the childhood trauma is there, as well as the kindly older male figure who knows more than he lets on, and the pragmatic supervisor who lets her investigate weird stuff without too much difficulty, because he's somehow in the know. I think everyone in authority in the fictional Sleepy Hollow is in the know, and that's why Irving was all, "Let me give you the keys to the Batcave" instead of fighting with them on it. I want to say he's on the side of the good witches, but who knows?

I won't even go into the issues with the whole Native American shaman thing. I just... don't even know. I think they tried not to be offensive (he didn't work at a casino!) but the whole thing made me shake my head.

Otoh, I liked the Sandman a lot. He's no Corinthian, but he was pretty spooky, and the exploding eyeball did make me jump. Plus, another awesomely obvious musical cue. I LOVE THE OBVIOUS MUSICAL CUES. It shows self-awareness - that the show KNOWS how ridiculous it is and invites you to go along for the ride.

I also liked the explanation for why Jenny and Abbie are on the outs. (I think the fact that the cop was so overwhelmingly awful to Jenny is support for the idea that the town's authorities are in on whatever weirdness is going on - they were teenage girls who'd disappeared for four days! I would never underestimate the ability of the police to victim-blame, but having her carted out screaming by men in white coats was a little over the top, I thought. Especially since four days in the chilly woods without food or water could leave you in a loopy state even without the demonic interference, and also, there was no social services worker to interpret "demon" as "some pillar of the community who was bad-touching the girls"? I would have thought THAT would be the angle they'd take to discredit Jenny.)

And then I realize I'm trying to make this show make sense and I facepalm. I enjoyed Ichabod's response to the energy drink! And his enjoyment of the hallucinogenic tea! I don't understand why they don't buy him some jeans, though. Having only one set of clothes - which he was BURIED IN - has to suck. Even if he is washing them out in the hotel shower every night.

Also, as much as I reflexively cringe when the PTB interact with the fandom, Orlando Jones's descent into fandom is pretty hilarious. I just hope it doesn't sour too quickly, as these things are wont to do.


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tv: middleman, on archiving, comics: middleman, tv: sleepy hollow

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