maybe it's just because i didn't know you at all

Sep 30, 2013 16:13

I am ridiculously behind on answering comments and I doubt that will change any time soon; I'll try to whittle away at them over the next few days, but anything that isn't feedback on stories is probably going to fall by the wayside right now.

I did manage to get a recs update done last night:

unfitforsociety has been updated for September 2013 with 22 recs in 11 fandoms:
* 7 Avengers (including Agents of SHIELD)
* 4 DCU (1 Arrow, 3 Batfamily)
* 3 Pacific Rim
* 2 Sleepy Hollow
* 1 Greek Mythology, 1 Legend of Korra, 1 Criminal Minds, 1 Rivers of London, 1 Elementary, and 1 M*A*S*H/West Wing crossover

and here's the monthly writing roundup:

Kicking ass in the morning, taking names in the evening (@ AO3)
Avengers/Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Steve/Buffy; pg; 7,065 words
The girl was stronger than she looked, stronger than Steve would have thought possible if he hadn't been who he was, hadn't seen what he'd seen.

Too Long in Exile (@ AO3)
X-Men: First Class; Charles/Erik; g; 940 words
Two times Erik moved in with Charles.

Derecho (at AO3)
Push (2009); Nick/Cassie; pg; 1,320 words
Underneath the noise, their fights are all about the same thing: they're terrified and they don't have anyone else to take it out on.

Writing My Life on Your Skin (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky; adult; 730 words
Steve likes leaving marks on Bucky's skin.

The Comedy Is That It's Serious (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky; pg; 3,775 words; contains sex pollen and consent issues.
In which the Winter Soldier is strangely affectionate, Captain America is completely baffled, and the Black Widow is tremendously amused.

My goal of ten stories in September also got derailed, but maybe it'll happen in October. 10 stories in the 10th month. *hands* Stranger things have happened.


Back at work today, and it's just weird. For a long time, I had this SPN wip (since abandoned) where Sam went away for 2 weeks and came back and suddenly it seemed like everything was off somehow - nothing was where he left it, but it wasn't more than a millimeter or two off; Dean was different in some undefinable way, etc. and for a long time, Sam wondered if he'd wandered into an alternate universe or something. That is kind of how I feel right now - the world has somehow shifted a couple of millimeters to the left and I am completely off-balance. The hardest part, though, was leaving my dad this morning. I didn't actually break down sobbing, but it was a close call. My sister's with him right now and he's going over there for dinner, but I just don't know how he's going to do on his own and it concerns me greatly.


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monthly writing roundup, life, recs updates

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