with a broken wing you sail

Jun 01, 2013 22:23

Holy shit, you guys, someone mentioned there was an Orphan Black marathon on BBC-America today leading up to the season finale, and I thought, "hmm... I meant to check that out, maybe I'll watch the first couple of episodes and see if I like it."

cut to...


So I guess I will be spending tomorrow making pizza dough and baking, since I did not get anything at all done today (okay, not true - I did my grocery shopping this morning).


ORPHAN BLACK. HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS. It's kind of like Fringe mixed with Dark Angel. Highly enjoyable. Possibly because I didn't have to wait week to week to find out what happened next. I have no thoughts as of yet, but I might later. I dunno. Come talk about it in my comments!


In other news, suddenly the volume on iTunes has gone all weird. I tune both it and the volume on my computer all the way up and it's still not nearly as loud as it used to be.

I realize that expecting quality speakers on a laptop is ridiculous, but why are the speakers always so shitty on laptops? WHY?


Someone should write me the Steve/Natasha orgasm delay/edging story where she teases him for a really long time before she lets him come, and also the story where she makes him come over and over and over, because why not test those supersoldier enhancements in some fun ways. Bucky can watch and offer encouragement.

My birthday is in a month and a half. I am just saying.


Last night I managed to fall asleep without the air conditioner, but when I woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep, I finally gave in and put it on. Technically it was June, so I guess I don't feel that terrible about it, but it's always like, "Aw, I don't wanna put the AC on to sleep" and then two days later, it's like, "I CAN'T SLEEP WITHOUT THE AC." And I love summer. But it needs to be cool to sleep.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/573085.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, tv: orphan black, otp: it'll be fun, this is captain america calling, you should totally write that

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