i've made a lot of mistakes

May 27, 2013 12:05

5.13 recs update:

unfitforsociety has been updated for May 2013 with 42 recs in 4 fandoms:

* 30 Avengers (includes IM3 spoilers)
* 4 Star Trek Reboot (includes ST:ID spoilers)
* 4 DCU and 1 Batgirl/Hawkeye crossover
* 3 Elementary

Also, I posted a story yesterday:

Memorial Day (@ AO3)
Captain America (2011); Steve, Gabe Jones; gen; 1,175 words
On his first Memorial Day out of the ice, Steve goes to Arlington.

pretty much exactly what it says in the summary.

This morning I made a cake, planning to cut some slices and take them home so I had breakfast for the week, since I won't be getting home tonight until around 8 pm - originally my sister was having a bbq on Saturday, and I would have gone home yesterday afternoon, but the weather was terrible, so they postponed it to today, and since it was the whole reason I made the trip out, it seemed stupid to leave, so I won't be going home until one of the evening trains and they're all local and take forever.


THE PLAN WAS CAKE. Busy day cake, to be exact, since it didn't require any ingredients my parents don't have, and it looked easy and quick. Which it was. Even though I spent an extra HALF HOUR waiting for the goddamn electric oven to heat to 375.

looks nice, right?

Sadly IT DIDN'T COOK IN THE CENTER. (You can kind of see that it sunk after I took it out of the oven, and the ring around the edges is mostly done but the center...not so much.) And I don't mean just a little. I mean It DIDN'T COOK. Even though though I cooked the thing 50 minutes - which is 15-20 minutes more than the suggested 30-35 minutes in the recipe and even though the cake-tester came out clean repeatedly. I knew it wasn't fully done but I didn't expect that.

Fucking electric oven. I don't understand why things don't cook through. I honestly don't. It's against the laws of physics or something. like when the ice cream I tried to make in the Kitchen-Aid ice cream maker never froze. Something about this house is determined to thwart me.

Anyway, the edges cooked and they tasted good, so I am going to try this again at home, with an oven that I know works.



This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/571720.html.
people have commented there.

adventures in cooking, my life so hard, recs updates

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