clouds the light of the love that i've found

Mar 09, 2013 13:37

So Young Justice is gearing up for its finale, and this week Artemis and Kaldur's undercover deception was revealed, and the stage is set for next week's big rumble of a finale, with the team and, presumably, the returned JLA and the Green Lantern Corps showing up to fight both the Reach and the Vandal Savage controlled War World. While I feel like the last few episodes have been more about moving all the plot pieces into place to facilitate this final battle, I was surprisingly squeeful at seeing Wally back in action during this episode. I also really liked Kaldur's big moment with his father (and then later, Dick being like, "hey no, you can be leader again." Oh, Dick. I wish they'd had more time to explore how much you were dealing with turning into Batman like you never wanted to.) I'm sad that the show is cancelled and we'll never get anymore of this version of these characters, because I feel like there was so much more that could have been done, especially if they'd had time to focus on the characters and relationships more than the plot stuff.


Why is there not more (completed) fic that is about the pairings I want to read about, written in ways that I find both in character and entertaining? I'm tired of having to write the fic I want to read. It's a lot more work and a lot less enjoyable that way. Sigh. It's a hard life for a fangirl.


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tv: young justice, my life so hard

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