i'm a little superstitious now

Mar 08, 2013 12:10

AV Club TV Club Classic is doing Gilmore Girls!

I am amazed at how strong my feelings about this still are, and also pleased to see how many other people share similar opinions about it.

The thing about Gilmore Girls was that it was appointment television for me, but in a comfort tv way (the happiness in my heart at hearing and singing along to the theme song!), not a fannish excitement way. Which doesn't mean I didn't engage with it in some fannish ways - I posted my thoughts after the episodes and I shipped Luke/Lorelai like it was my job, and I still do occasionally read fic if it comes along - but I don't think the depth and strength of my level of investment were ever really evident until the show went completely off the rails in season 6. I mean, I loathed what Rory did in the s4 finale and how she never seemed to understand why it was such a big deal (and why Lorelai thought it was such a big deal), and I didn't like a lot of what happened in season 5, but season 6 was just... ugh. UGH.

My bitterness has lingered a long time and not lessened much. But not in the way where I can't enjoy the earlier stuff. Unlike other shows where I've felt burned enough to still be angry with rage *cough*SPN*cough*. (Maybe one day I'll be able to go back and watch SPN and remember what I loved about it without the accompanying white hot rage, but it hasn't happened yet.)

Oddly enough, the show I'd compare it to in terms of how deep and full of love my feelings are is FNL (though FNL went off the rails early in s2 and then righted itself pretty thoroughly). Like, I roll my eyes at a lot of the ending choices for BSG, but I never felt personally insulted or hurt in my heart about them, and it didn't really make me not enjoy the earlier episodes (though it makes me sad to rewatch and know how everything is going to turn out). Whereas some of the turns Gilmore Girls took in those last couple of seasons were the kind of thing that would make me want to put the DVDs in the freezer if I actually owned them, and not in the good cathartic Little Women way, but in the bad, let's strike the very existence of these episodes from my memory way.

But reading through the comments over there makes me want to pull out my dvds (I own the first four seasons, which is probably just the right number for me), and I think I might do that this weekend. Because Luke! Lorelai! PARIS! ♥EMILY♥! THE STRUMMY LALAS OF STARS HOLLOW! <333


So the snow finally did show up and it's still coming down pretty hard out there, but it's supposed to be in the 50s all weekend and early next week, so hopefully it will all be gone soon.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/550592.html.
people have commented there.

tv: gilmore girls, fannishness

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