get out of that state you're in

Jul 17, 2012 22:44

I meant to do things today - run some errands, answer some comments - but it was disgustingly humid so I ended up staying inside and rewatching Fellowship of the Ring until it was time to go to dinner. Which I had with tenaciousmetoo, innie_darling, and dotfic. It was delightful.

Then I came home and watched White Collar, also delightful, and I think I might go to bed soon, since I have a headache and I have to -ugh- work in the morning. I'm kind of dreading my inbox and I was only out for two days.

Oh, last night I watched Leverage. I hadn't seen any of last season, but I don't think it mattered. I enjoyed it, especially Parker & Hardison officially dating! And Hardison name-checking Tony Stark! And the everything with Eliot, including Adam Baldwin's cameo but there is still too much Nate.

Have a couple of links:

= Just Another Princess Movie is a really good look at Brave and how a lot of critics didn't seem to actually get it.

= Bob Mould sings "Hoover Dam"

sentential recorded a podfic of Our history is just in our blood (history, like love, is never enough), which is the Steve/Bucky remix I wrote this year where Bucky is a barista who has no recollection of being Bucky Barnes or the Winter Soldier, but Steve loves him anyway. ♥


Does anyone know when Young Justice comes back? I saw there was a new trailer but there was no date on it.

And lastly, there should totally be a Natasha vid to "Shake It Out".


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tv: white collar, tv: leverage, podfic, you should totally write that, fannishness

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