at what point does it become too late?

Jul 18, 2012 21:48

Work was surprisingly not horrible; in fact, I may have gotten four of the meetings I have been struggling to schedule onto the calendar. I mean, I did, but I'm still waiting for someone to realize that they can't make the date they gave me or something.

We had some wicked thunderstorms starting around 4 pm, so I waited an extra half hour before I left work. It was still pouring, but the sky wasn't that freaky green-black and there was no more lightning.

Then when I got home, there was Captain Marvel #1. So I was planning to buy it regardless for the first few issues, just to show some support for a book with a lead female character and a woman writer, but I was hopeful, from seeing the stuff that had come out ahead of time, and I am already kind of shipping Carol with Steve, negl (even though she is probably a lesbian; I feel like there should be a Steve Rogers exception in the Marvelverse, like there is mostly* a Dick Grayson exception in the DCU). They are such good bantery friends! That is my weakness! And it was so good! Not just her banter with Steve, but then she hangs out with (more like beats up while sparring) Peter! They could not have picked two characters I love more (mainly because there aren't characters I love more than Steve and Peter - the same as, with Bucky and Natasha, but not more) and I thought they did a really great job of introducing Carol and giving us her background without rehashing her whole weird and disturbing history, and just... it was really good. I got all teary at the end.

*Kate Kane being the canonical exception to the Dick Grayson exception. Also, I really want a story where Kate and Natasha hang out. Someone should get on that. It should be titled "To Get a Dirty Job Done." Pepper and Babs can also be there.

So consider this a recommendation. And while I am usually all for ~acquiring items via alternate means, in this case, if you like it, you should buy it, because eventually, the money's gotta start talking when it comes to books by and about women. And I swear to god, there should be a Carol Danvers-as-Captain Marvel movie right alongside the Black Widow movie they are never going to give us.

Also, a link: Ten Things About Captain Marvel issue 1. I should get myself an icon...

I also read the latest issue of Journey Into Mystery, and here's something I never thought I would say but, oh, Loki... He just wants to do what's right and he wants people to trust him and no matter what he does, it doesn't ... it's not going to work. And it makes me sad, because eventually he's going to stop trying and start living down to those expectations. Because he's Loki. And as he says, don't ask Loki to solve your problems if you're going to have a problem with Loki's solution!

Also! Leah can't be gone! They are too adorable together! So that was also enjoyable, if a little heart-clenchy.


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comics: captain marvel, comics: journey into mystery, you should totally write that

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