it was hotter than it should have been

Jul 16, 2012 19:11

So yesterday was my birthday! I spent most of it writing furiously in order to finish a story to post. I'm sure to some people that doesn't sound like a good time, but mostly I enjoyed it. My parents also took me to dinner, which was nice, since we'd had cake and everything on Saturday at the graduation party, which was also a lot of fun.

Thank you to midnitemaraud_r for my virtual gift, and to the folks who sent messages and emails! I appreciate them so much! <333

One of the great things about being in fandom is that other people write stories for you on your birthday! And I was lucky enough to get three of them:

Who You Gonna Call? by
lissa_rae, in which Darcy waits for Clint to come and get her during a zombie uprising, and has a few interesting encounters along the way. (Awesome multiple crossovers!)

All is near and can't be touched by
dotfic, which is a quietly lovely look at Lincoln settling into the Redverse.

Reverb by innie_darling, which is a gorgeous, meditative look at Steve, both before and after the serum, and his relationships with Peggy and Bucky.


Thank you so much!

I also posted a story on Friday for
chicklet_girl's birthday:

So you better lay your money down (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Tony/Pepper, ensemble; g; 3,490 words
"Your robot plays tennis?" "No. That's the problem."

Which is a story about Tony getting involved in organizing a string of favors in order to get Pepper to agree to something for him in return, leading to team shenanigans. It amused me while I was writing it, and it seems to have amused some of you, too, so thank you for that. I didn't have time to actually write all the things that are mentioned in the story, but I did start, so there may eventually be another story detailing their various hijinks.

And the story I wrote for my birthday, the much-talked-about bakery AU:

The Second Rise (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky (Steve/Peggy); au; pg; 6,065 words
The one where Tony buys Steve a bakery after Bucky goes MIA, and three years later, Bucky comes back.

Also, there is therapeutic bread making. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. This is totally id fic, but I'm glad other people enjoyed reading it, because I really enjoyed writing it.

Lastly, the universe kicked in with news of a Winter Soldier movie (♥BUCKY♥) and the premiere of Political Animals, which I quite enjoyed. Sigourney Weaver remains Queen BAMF of all time.

I really liked Elaine A LOT, even if I thought the writing was a little heavy-handed with the parallels between her and Susan. And I did like the "Never call a bitch a bitch. Us bitches don't like that," line, despite feeling like they threw that and all Ciaran Hinds' character's racial slurs and swearing in because now they can. He was good at being sleazy and yet somehow showing flashes of charm, despite my inability to take his accent seriously.

I think they need to be a little less, "LOOK! STRONG WOMEN!" going forward, but it's refreshing to see women on television who aren't just caretakers or killjoys, that the story is about Elaine and Susan, and the men orbit around them.

And of course, it gave us Sebastian Stan as TJ Hammond, who I already feel invested in, because he's basically Prince Jack v2, and who is very pretty when he cries, and also when he makes out with other cute boys. I already hope he gets his act together, because it makes me really sad to see people throw their lives away on drugs.

So that was a good start.

And as Sokka would say, thank you, the universe!


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flove, tv: political animals, my birthday

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