i know you're lonely like me, so baby, don't try to fake it

May 09, 2012 11:25

I am trying to write and writing is hard! Wah!

Also, I need new Avengers icons: Natasha! Steve! Steve and Natasha! Natasha and Clint! Bruce and Tony! Tony and Pepper! Thor! Thor and Steve! Does anyone know a good source?

Also, also, links you might not have seen:

marinarusalka on Natasha's characterization in the movie

jenna_thorn on costuming choices for Pepper.

liviapenn has a great big list of Avengers reaction posts.

Mine are here and here so far. I'm working on answering comments, so feel free to stop by! Though not if you are going to hate on Natasha or Pepper. That I will not stand.

Spoilers for the film, obviously, in all these links.

Also, I'm still taking scenarios for the 15 characters meme if you've got 'em. Some of the ones already suggested have made me nearly bust a gut with awesome laughter. I love that meme.

Anyway. Back to Avengers. Here is a thing - I haven't actually read many Avengers comics (I mean, the full on team ones), so I can't give you recommendations on that front (though I enjoyed Avengers/Invaders because of all the Bucky feels, and Avengers/JLA because of all the crossovery goodness, and of course, Young Avengers, but that's neither here nor there atm), but I can give you one HUGE GIANT ANTI-REC: DO NOT READ ULTIMATES. JUST DON'T. IT IS AWFUL AND YOU WILL REGRET IT. the upshot is basically taking characters you love and making them complete sociopathic assholes. I felt the need for a scalding hot shower afterwards and maybe some bleach. I can't believe the dude on AV Club is recommending it as a gateway to Avengers comics. Ugh ugh ugh.

On the other hand, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Captain America vol. 5 by Ed Brubaker (slight caveat: skip issue 15. just trust me. it's gross and unnecessary), and the spin-off series, Winter Soldier (Bucky and Natasha BEING HOTASS SPIES WHO KICK ASS. WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE THERE?). And then you will know what I'm hoping they do as the second Cap movie. I also recommend Mark Waid's Captain America: Man Out of Time, which is about Steve right out of the ice and failing to handle all his Bucky feels. *points to icon* Sad Cap is sad! Also, it's a miniseries, so there's no great investment. I actually got the hardcover because the art is very pretty.

I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND Captain America: TRUTH: Red, White and Black, even though the art is AWFUL, because we are never going to get that story on screen and it is an important story.

I also have a bunch of Black Widow queued up on my to-read list, and the Loki-centric Journey into Mystery thing (he's de-aged! so hopefully not a genocidal douchebag!), so I'll report back about that eventually, even though I'm not actually disposed to caring all that much about Loki.

(I do recommend Avenging Spider-man, in which Spidey teams up with various other members of the Avengers, but he's kind of ancillary to movieverse interests; otoh, the one where he and Steve team up is a MUST READ. SO GOOD OMG. SO MANY STEVE AND PETER FEELS.)

In other news, I did watch Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes yesterday and have no strong feelings except needs more T'Challa. I also watched Young Justice, and am intrigued at the hints of stuff that happened in the five years we missed, and also what's going on with M'gann (and how nicely Superboy is maturing), though the main story didn't interest me much.

Then I watched Once Upon a Time, mostly to get that Sebastian Stan fix, and I am SO AMUSED that some commenter at the AV Club called him a weedy little man. I got a huge laugh out of that, mostly because it's true. Otherwise, I enjoyed it, but I don't think much of it actually made any sense. I don't even know what those writers are smoking. I want to see what happens next week, though, so I guess they're doing something right. Or hilariously wrong. *hands* I can't actually tell.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/464045.html.
people have commented there.

tv: avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, comics everybody!, avengers assemble, tv: young justice, links, tv: once upon a time, comics

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