to a better state than this

Sep 21, 2011 10:16

Last night I ordered some Chinese food, and in between placing the order and its arrival, I fell asleep on the couch. Needless to say, I went to bed early, and had a pretty good night's sleep.

This morning, my inbox was full of LJ comment notifications that didn't arrive yesterday. Sigh. As always when this happens, the recent comments link is your friend.

Speaking of things not working, I really hope those AVOS folks get on the stick re: Delicious, because I'm tired of it not working. I think it finally updated with the latest links in my subscriptions, but ugh, I don't like not knowing if it's all just going to disappear or if they're actually going to do something with it. I did read that article about the two guys who took it over, but they don't say when this revamp is going to happen except "later this year." Which, I dunno, September is already pretty late in the year. I guess we'll see what happens. In the meantime, I have been backing up my bookmarks far more often than I used to, and having them backed up to pinboard, also.


I started writing this story, and my original idea was a five things...thing and then I couldn't quite come up with five things (at least, not five that seemed different enough to tell about), but four things seemed either incomplete or too much - I needed three things or five things, but four things was just not working out, but I felt like all four were needed - cutting one out to make it an aesthetically pleasing three things just didn't sit right. And I thought, well, if it were four seasons or four directions or 4/4 time, four would be just fine, but this story doesn't have that extra structure (and it wouldn't quite work with what I had planned).

In conclusion, because I'm not sure the above paragraph actually makes any sense, for some reason, a five things story with only four things feels wrong, but works if it has only three things. But I'm not sure if the four things problem would translate to readers, too, i.e., that they would feel it was one too many or one too few, but not just right, or if it's just in my head that there's an issue.

These are the things I think about as I try to fall asleep.



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technology is not my friend, writing: structure, sometimes i scare myself, links

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