but if you leave, don't look back

Aug 16, 2011 10:20

So I gave blood yesterday. We had an office blood drive. The big excitement was that one of our co-workers passed out in the ladies room afterwards and had to be rushed to the emergency room. Oy.

I, on the other hand, was just a little nauseated (the last time I donated, I felt really ill afterwards, so it's been about five or six years since I did it). I went home to discover that the cable guy had just left and had only spent about five minutes in the place - he just swapped out the modem, which is what I expected - so I have internet at home again. Hallelujah! Then fleurdeleo and I went to dinner at this Italian place around the corner from which I order in sometimes but had never actually eaten at. After we were seated and had ordered beverages, we discovered it was cash-only. Oops. We did scrape together the $36 the bill came to at the end, but I was worried. I had some good penne alla vodka, though.

Then I went home, made sure the internet actually worked, and was in bed by 9 pm, completely wiped out. I slept most of the night, too, right through to my alarm. Though it's always weird for me to be in bed that early. I needed the sleep, though, because I feel good today.

In other news, in my ongoing Discworld reading, I ran into Moving Pictures and kind of ground to a dead halt. I realize it's one of the earlier books (I picked it to read next because there were a bunch of references to it in Soul Music and I'm kind of saving Hogfather and Night Watch because people keep telling me they're the best of the bunch), but wow, I so do not care about the new characters, and my patience for Mustrum Ridcully and the other wizards is at a minimum. So I might put it away and come back to it at some later date.

I did read Truth: Red, White and Black, which I thought was really good - a heartbreaking and necessary re-examination of the Captain America mythos. I wish the art hadn't been so cartoony/caricature-like - the style was more suited to comedy than tragedy, and this story is definitely a tragedy, so I felt like the art detracted from the gravity of the situation.

I wanted more of Isaiah Bradley - I feel like there was some stuff missing in the middle - and I'm glad his wife calls out Steve Rogers on his ignorance of the program and how the serum that made him Captain America has this awful history behind it. I'm also glad to know that his grandson, Eli, becomes a hero in his own right, and I'm planning to read more about him soon.

In other comics news, a comic featuring ALL THE ROBINS. BEST COMIC EVER Y/MFY?

This, combined with the Tiny Titans All Batgirls issue, feels like the writers of the kids line thumbing their noses at certain editorial decisions at DC. Heh.


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hoods and birds, comics: truth: red white and black, books, comics: captain america, books: discworld, my life so hard, comics

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