three wishes for you as the tide turns

Jul 14, 2011 10:25

Just called Dom to wish him a happy birthday. He was like, "This is the only time of the year when we speak to each other twice in two days." Heh. True. When we were kids, even when we had joint birthday parties, my parents made sure there were always two cakes. I would have fussed, otherwise.

I feel like there should be a clever segue here, so pretend that there is.

seperis made a great post last night about These Old Shades and Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer. Devil's Cub is my favorite Heyer, bar none, for all the reasons
seperis lists in the post, but mostly, and I feel this cannot be stressed enough, because Mary shoots Vidal. I think that explains a lot about my pairing preferences (I first read it at an impressionable age and still find it a comfort read). You know, a few years ago when Yuletide had that snafu with the assignments and we all got reassigned? My original assignment that broke my heart to give up was for Devil's Cub. I comforted myself with the fact that I would probably have found it difficult to write porn about a character with my brother's name (see, there was the pivot on which the clever segue should have turned) but I guess we'll never know, unless I ever get assigned it again in Yuletide.

Anyway, I didn't read These Old Shades until much later on, so the big twist there was already spoiled for me, and also, it doesn't quite push my buttons the same way, though I enjoyed it. But Devil's Cub always gives me a thrill and a lot of laughs, despite some of the problematic things in it. (I would say currently, my second favorite Heyer is probably The Grand Sophy, though I'm exceedingly fond of The Talisman Ring, as well. There are still a whole bunch I haven't read, though, and I'm working on that.)

I am incredibly envious of Heyer's ability to juggle romance, action, and comedy so deftly. I wish I had that ability. I can usually manage the romance and sometimes, the comedy, but the action? Not so much.

Another thing - when I write fic, I don't really see myself as writing things that could or should happen onscreen in canon, so much as I write things that might have happened while we weren't looking, the kinds of things that will never be shown but aren't contra-canon. It's not so much compliance as it is consistency of characterization, maybe? Anyway, there's nothing like being in the middle of writing a story that is really pushing even that sort of flexible view of canon (and characterization) and having canon suddenly render it that much more difficult to make believable. *growls and shakes tiny ineffectual fist*

In other book news, some of you might find this post about the evolution of female characters in Discworld interesting.

Another link that might be of interest: a brief post by Richard Roeper about Friday Night Lights.

Lastly, Deathly Hallows at midnight tonight with a group of fangirls. Yay! I have a feeling I'm going to bawl like a baby. Fellow fangirls, don't be too alarmed if I start sobbing!


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tv: friday night lights, books: georgette heyer, books, links, books: discworld, writing is hard!

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