i've got freedom, i've got second sight

Jul 15, 2011 13:27

So I arrived at the theatre around 5:15 last night; titti and her daughter were already on line upstairs, so I joined them and settled in for a long wait.

The waiting wasn't so bad, up until they trapped us in the theatre with an amateur wizard rock duo whose music was so inane and awful as to be grounds for justifiable homicide. I'm all for people expressing their fannish creativity, but not when I'm trapped in a room with them and can't get away. Ugh.

Unfortunately the movie was in 3D, which gives me a headache (which I still have; possibly I need to go track down some caffeine soon), and which felt totally unnecessary, but I enjoyed the movie regardless.

Deathly Hallows Part 2:

Since my recollection of the book is minimal, I know that they changed a bunch of stuff but not really exactly what and I don't really care? I mean, after they cut out all the MWPP backstory in PoA, which is basically THE HEART OF THE FUCKING STORY, I am just like, "eh, the movies are not the books." Possibly it helps that I've been out of the fandom for a long time.

I thought the movie in and of itself was entertaining - it's basically wall-to-wall action.

Best parts: NEVILLE FUCKING LONGBOTTOM: GQMF WITH A SWORD! YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE! And he gets with LUNA, AS WELL HE SHOULD. (In the awfully creepy epilogue scene, it really looked to me like they were saying that after an amiable divorce from Ginny, Harry was with Ron and Hermione and Ginny was just...there, seeing their kids off to school, so I like to imagine the future breakdown of pairings as Harry/Ron/Hermione and Luna/Ginny/Neville. IJS)

Also, I was amused that Neville totally didn't look back while the bridge was collapsing beneath him, while Harry was constantly turning around while being chased by huge fireballs. I think we know who the true cool guy is here. Hint: it ain't Harry. (note: I love Harry! But I love that Neville got to be so heroic and so action hero-y in this movie.)

MINERVA MCGONAGALL! HOLY SHIT! I read that Maggie Smith was undergoing chemotherapy while this was filming, but you'd never know it. She is a total BAMF!

I cried about Fred, which I thought was nicely underplayed, and I cried when James and Lily and Sirius and Remus showed up. I've never been able to take Snape seriously in the movies, so I was not at all moved by his sacrifice or his tragic love for Lily. I did like that his tears of tragic manpain contained his memories, and it was slightly less creepy than the book that he died gazing into Harry's eyes, but only slightly.

We were amused that even in death, Tonks and Lupin just couldn't seem to close that tiny last gap between them. *snerk*

I thought Helena Bonham Carter did a fabulous Hermione-as-Bellatrix.

I also enjoyed Helen McRory as Narcissa, and the way the Malfoys just scurried away at the end like rats from a sinking ship, with Narcissa pulling Draco along and Lucius scuttling behind to keep up.

So I'm glad I did it, even though it was hard to get a cab afterwards (I ended up walking to 79th & Columbus, figuring I could always take the bus across town if no cabs presented themselves, but I finally got one right in front of the museum).

We saw Neil Degrasse Tyson while we were waiting - he and his family were coming out of the private screening of the movie - and
bethbethbeth recognized him and fangirled him and he waved back.

We also got The Dark Knight Rises trailer ahead of the movie and possibly I blurted out, "You're an asshole, Bruce! You're mean to your kids!" a little louder than I meant to when he popped up on screen. Luckily, I think everyone else in the theatre was cheering too loudly to hear me. It was awesome to see Gary Oldman's Jim Gordon back on screen, though. He is my favorite thing about those movies and he's perfect in the part. Him and Alfred and Lucius.

Okay, I guess I'm gonna go get myself an iced coffee now. I don't want to spend the rest of my birthday with a screaming headache.

Thanks to deirdre_c for the lovely v-gift! ♥

Sadly, I don't think I'm going to have fic ready today, as I'd hoped. oops?


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deathly hallows, movies, my birthday, fannishness

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