and when she came back, she was nobody's wife

Jul 11, 2011 10:43

God save me from idiot co-workers. Or rather, God save them from me. If only I could set fire to things with my mind! arrgh!


So when should we start expecting to see changes in Delicious now that it's changed hands? Anyone know?


Last night, I made this mozzarella mac'n'cheese, and it was good, though there was something not quite right about the texture, possibly because I used Kraft shredded mozzarella instead of fresh? I also added about 1/4 cup of shredded parmesan that the recipe didn't call for (I always add extra parmesan). I was skeptical that this would work, because isn't the whole point of mozzarella that it's stretchy when it melts? It didn't seem like it would melt enough to make an actual sauce. But it did. I guess if you apply enough heat for enough time, that's what happens. Physics ahoy! I don't know if it would stand up to being baked, like the other mac'n'cheese recipe I have, but I really missed the toasted breadcrumbs on top, so I might have to try that. Everything should have toasted breadcrumbs on top. Mmm...


Yesterday, as recommended by silveronthetree, I read Batman: Streets of Gotham. I enjoyed it a lot, though I'm a little cranky they just dropped Kate Spencer's storyline completely and also once Bruce took over, Dick and Damian disappeared. Though I'm amused that Catwoman couldn't tell the difference between Bruce and Dick in the Bat suit. Bruce is four inches taller! That's a significant difference, or it should be to someone who knows him physically as well as Selina does! I mean, sure, maybe Dick's got lifts in his boots, but four inches is a lot of extra height. I did enjoy their interaction, though. It makes me sad more people don't write Bruce/Selina.

I'm also sad we didn't get to see the "date" between Dick and Kate Spencer, because that seems like it could have been hilarious, given that he knows she's Manhunter (and Does Not Approve) but she doesn't know he's Batman. And that she called him the Paris Hilton of Gotham, which I think is overly harsh, considering that he did actually go and become a cop for a while (which she probably doesn't know), unlike Bruce, who works really hard on seeming brainless and useless. Possibly I'm overly defensive on his behalf, since he always gets written off as the pretty but dumb one. Also, I would have loved to hear the conversation with Helena (and Babs) afterwards. (Is it wrong that I want Dick and Helena to hang out and gossip? I don't really ship them but I wouldn't mind them being coffee buddies. The potential for hilarity is enormous.). That is much more interesting to me than either the Two-Face on the run or the Ragman stories, which I didn't even read. IJS.

I also loved the bit where she fangirled Jim Gordon (as all right-thinking people should) and then later, she invited him to dinner, and he was like, "Did I just get asked out on a date?"

At least now, having read this, I know who that Colin kid is who shows up in fic. Aw, Damian has a friend his own age! And together they take down psychopathic murderers!

I like Damian and I'm sad that he's not going to have Dick as a partner anymore. I can only imagine the clusterfuck Bruce is going to make of the relationship, and the thing is, I don't even think he'll do it intentionally. Possibly I've also been influenced by all the really sad "Damian writes forlorn letters to Dick after the reboot" fanart on tumblr.

I also read, on tigs's recommendation, Superman: Up, Up and Away, which is about Clark while he has no powers except being an investigative journalist. And he is a good investigative journalist when he doesn't have to disappear to be Superman! I enjoyed it a lot. Oh, Clark. And Lois! ♥LOIS♥ They have such an awesome relationship. It also makes me sad to see the PTB throwing that away because ... I don't even know why. I suspect it's because they don't know how to write an established relationship and don't think one can be interesting. To which I say, bah. And also feh.


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