there's the door, spaceman!

Jul 10, 2011 13:28

Last night I finished reading volume 4 of 52. Did I even post about reading volume 3? I don't recall, so this is about both, I guess.

This is mostly c&p'd from my goodreads:

The best part, as in the other three volumes, is Renee's story. I especially liked her team-up with Dick. They should work together more often, especially with Kate. Though it would be nice if Dick would stop hitting on her (Kate, I mean) (even though I find it amusing when she shoots him down). The Christmas present was pretty hilarious, though.

All the Renee-Charlie stuff was heartbreaking. I wanted him to live, too, Renee! Even though I knew you were going to become The Question, I thought maybe he could still be alive at Nanda Parbat.

Speaking of, what the hell, Bruce? I mean, he has some weird cult "cut out his demons" or something? Do I even want to know?

I did like the John Henry Irons/Everyman storyline. Way to make things interesting, Lex. Though I have a feeling that even now I'm always looking for more nuance with Lex's actions than they are ever willing to show. I did like how Clark was all, "We've known each other since we were kids! I know when he's playing us!" Mainly because I didn't realize that they'd added that to comics canon. Unless he just meant from when he first started out being Superman. (As a digression, if anyone is actually reading this, while Clark has no powers, does he do any training at all? I mean, he must have, right? There should be fic where Lois makes him brush up on his self-defense skills while he's vulnerable.)

I felt bad that Kory was stuck in such an uninteresting plotline, because she is awesome, and I really could have done without the final ishy "Is she a stripper? She's like ET with big boobs!" "jokes" while she was passed out on the porch. Ugh. She just took a really long, hard journey to do something meaningful for you; don't be an ass about it.

I also disliked the island of mad scientists, because ugh, but the thing that kept me from truly loving this book was Black Adam's story. Ugh. I really wanted his redemption to stick and I really didn't like how that story played out. Predictable and also gross in terms of fridging Isis.

I will say that Booster's return didn't suck - I'd figured he had to be Supernova, and I was pleased to see my figuring was correct - and he definitely had moments where I liked him - mostly his concern for Skeets and the scene with Ted. I think he's probably only really bearable when Ted is around to balance him out.

Diana and Renee should team up sometime when they're not in mourning or flux because I would love to see them work together.

Lastly, it was nice, if by nice you mean heartbreaking but also happy-making from a shippy point of view, and I do, to see the actual canon moment where Tim says his new uni is in honor of Kon. Aw, they are totally my OTP.

So do I have to read any of the follow-up stories? Is there more about Renee and Kate? Because that's all I really care about.

I also watched the JLA: The New Frontier movie, the one where David Boreanaz voices Hal Jordan (who I still don't care about), Neil Patrick Harris is Barry Allen, and Lucy Lawless is Wonder Woman. It had some fun moments (see subject line), but I would have enjoyed it more without all the jingoism. J'onn was my favorite in it. And Lois, of course, because Lois is a boss. I also liked the explanation for Robin's appearance: "Batman scares criminals, not children." Uh huh. (There is part of me that wants to pun on scare/scar, because that is what Batman does to the children under his care, but I will refrain.)

It's funny, because I actually do like Bruce, right up until he's a jerk to/about one of the kids. (Or to Helena, who isn't technically one of his kids, but is still a member of the family.) When he's a jerk to Superman or Catwoman, I mostly find it amusing because I know they'll give as good as they get, but given the power differential with the kids - even when they're adults - it just makes me want to smack him.

In other news, I'm still in my pajamas, and I'm trying to decide whether I want an iced latte enough to put on pants. Up until this point, the answer has been no, but it could change at any moment. (I do have to get dressed later and go grocery shopping, but that can wait a few more hours.)


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batman, comics: jla: the new frontier, movies, comics: 52

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