all the problems of the world won't be solved by this guitar

May 18, 2011 10:48

Things. And also, stuff:

§ Shakespeare or Batman? This was surprisingly difficult (I got 23 out of 30 right) and totally amusing. (link snurched from

§ silveronthetree linked to the preview for Batman and Robin 23, in which Jason Todd appears, and while I'm glad Bruce finally remembers that he's got another kid (one he adopted, so it should be son, not ward, Bruce, you jerk), I'm a little taken aback by how much he suddenly looks like Roy Harper. (otoh, given Dick's weakness for redheads, this is not necessarily a bad thing. IJS.) Basically, I have a lot of ~feeeeeeeeeeelings~ about Jason and that has not changed.

petra is hosting a Rapture in Midair commentfic meme in honor of the end of the world this weekend.

§ Speaking of which, last night,
fox1013 and I went to the Fringe event (pun intended) at the Paley Center, with Anna Torv and John Noble. They screened "Entrada" and then had an interview with the actors, and some audience Q&A at the end, which was cringe-worthy in new and surprising ways (the questions were mostly acting-centered, and oh my god, lady who asked about getting an agent, why? Why would you do that? Anna Torv is not your career counselor!). I wanted more questions about the show, so that was a bit of a letdown, but Anna Torv and John Noble are adorable and charming, so it was great. And after knowing each other for ten years,
fox1013 and I finally met! It was a great evening!

§ The Good Wife: Closing Arguments

CARVER! How many Wire alumni has that been now?

I'm so glad we finally got some Kalinda afterglow action, and wow, she actually is changing, because obviously she never cared before that Sophie was married. ♥Kalinda♥ I was actually sad she was married, because after last week, I was totally shipping it.

I really liked the judge.


I had a sinking feeling that Grace actually called Jackie, but I guess not. Still, she should have called Alicia immediately, as Alicia told her last week.

Eli! And Diane! Man, those two are so enjoyable to watch together. Actually, there's pretty much no one I don't enjoy watching Eli interact with. Having him be at Lockhart/Gardner next season will be FUN. I'm interested in seeing how that all works out, with Peter's next campaign. "Without Alicia, he's a john who paid too much. With her, he's a Kennedy." I think Eli definitely has his eye on Alicia as a future candidate. I hope so, anyway. I'd also like to see more of Diane's political aspirations. She needs more to do, show! Get on that!

For justice! And comprehensiveness. Not the...opposite of comprehensiveness. Oh, Will. I do like you, even though a lot of that is still residual Danny-goodwill. I also liked the judge, and the conversation Kalinda had with the Italian construction worker.

Will and Peter! And Alicia unable to come out and actually say that Peter thinks they're having an affair, but Will understanding it. I really love all the non-verbal communication that goes on on this show. So much is left unsaid but not unknown.

Penultimately, the Will/Alicia hookup. I liked how unforced it felt, like a natural culmination, and all of the silly obstacles just gave them both a bunch of chances to back out but they went into it eyes open and reaching with both hands. Lovely. And hot. An hour of happiness. I don't think they'll actually be a couple at the beginning of season 3, and I'm okay with that, because I think Alicia needs to be alone for a while. I really love how much she's grown over the past two seasons, and come into her own strength and self. ♥Alicia♥

And finally, I think Alicia and Kalinda will eventually be able to repair their relationship, simply because they're still so in rhythm with each other and they work so well together. It will be hard for Alicia to hold a grudge, I think, once the initial rage and hurt starts to fade. I hope, anyway.

It got renewed, right? Because while this could be a satisfying series ender, I want more! It's a show where all the action is driven by the women, who are fully fleshed out, interesting characters with agency, which is still so sadly rare. [eta] tigs tells me it has been renewed and moved to Sunday nights. \o/ [/eta]


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