i left them motherless, fatherless

May 18, 2011 23:33

Sigh. Reading all this mediocre to awful Katara/Zuko fic makes me want to rewrite ALL of it to fit characterization-wise with the show I actually watched, rather than whatever show those folks were watching. I mean, arranged marriage! fake dating! sparring-as-foreplay! drunken stumbles! ten year reunions that end in awkward mornings after! It's all the things I love, done in ways that make me all frowny-faced.

There could be so much good fic, but alas, there is not. And the sad part is, I don't think the reason there isn't is because there is reams of great Mai/Zuko, you know? (I have absolutely no desire to read Katara/Aang. He will always be 12 to me, and thus, always too young to deal with in that way. I don't know why I have no trouble aging Toph up in my head but not Aang. *hands*)


In other news, I couldn't wait and had to read Jason's appearance in Batman and Robin #23. Despite the red hair, which I can't get used to and don't find the intriguing character note it could be (at least in this instance), he sounds like the Jason I like, which makes sense because Winick!Jason is basically the only Jason I am familiar with (or, rather, the only one I accept), and also, wow, fanservice much? The towel scene was both ridiculous and hilarious. Oh, Jason, you are the star of your own porno in your head at all times, aren't you?

Also, he's reading Pride and Prejudice. And probably swooning internally over Darcy. I am going to pretend Alfred sent him that.

I also like him asking Bruce how Talia is. (I just hope he doesn't troll Damian with the fact that he actually slept with her. That would just be skeevy. Which is kind of hilarious that that is something I would find objectionable while I'm just like, "eh, he's killing a bunch of guys who need killing in prison" about his string of murders.)

I also like that he was all, "seriously, you're going to be all business with me?" Because one of the things I like about Jason is that he's messy and confrontational and he's not going to let all the emotion be repressed while he's around. You know how in the BtVS episode "Dead Man's Party," the zombies are a metaphor for all the repressed stuff that's lingering between Buffy and Joyce and Buffy and the scoobies? Jason is like that. Bruce might be all "repress repress repress" and the others might let him get away with it most of the time, but Jason's a dude who clawed his way out of his own grave, crying for Bruce. He's a guy who never met a confrontation he didn't want to escalate. He is not going to let shit stay buried if he can help it. (At least, if I were in charge, that is what his role would be, among other things.)

So I guess we'll see how this goes. And if maybe I can find some scans that darken his hair or something because really, the red hair is just distracting and confusing to me.


In other news, I ordered some fancy flipflops (in aster turquoise and aster pink) and the straps don't have any give, which is a little problematic, since they are kind of cutting into my pinky toes. I'd like to think with some wear that could change, but I'm not hopeful. (dear god, in bad puns and references only three people on my flist will get for $100, Alex, I actually was tempted to type "but I am not feeling the aster." *facepalm*)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/324902.html.
people have commented there.

hoods and birds, shoes, comics: batman and robin, you should totally write that, tv: atla, shopping

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