Aw, it's all falling apart for the Jets.
Hopefully the Giants will do well tonight.
So I caught up on The Good Wife and while
I find this whole Blake/Kalinda thing weird and off-putting, it was AWESOME to see Lili Taylor as Kalinda's ex. Also, I'm always happy to see Michael J. Fox on my TV. What is going on with Bond and Will? I hope Will comes to his senses and sides with Diane in whatever powerplay is going on.
I still need to catch up on FNL, and I'm just going to get more behind, because I have to go to a stupid work fundraising event tomorrow night after work. Bah.
Last weekend, I didn't get around to making bread, so I bought a loaf, and oh man, it made for sad, sad lunches. I didn't really think it would make a big difference? But it really does. So I have brioche in the oven now. I plan to make mac and cheese for dinner, and I think I'm going to make
this cranberry-apple cake later on, for this week's breakfast, though as my mother reminded me, I only have to worry about breakfast for Mon-Tues-Wed, and dinner for Mon-Tues. I can always freeze the mac and cheese for later.
I had to buy apples and brown sugar, along with my usual weekly shopping, so I went during halftime, and ugh, I forgot that the supermarket would be full of people doing their Thanksgiving shopping. There were no baskets left so I took a cart, even though the aisles in the store aren't actually wide enough to let two carts pass each other. I spent most of my time wishing I could set people ON FIRE with my mind. The sad part is, that is usually my mindset during grocery shopping when there are more than, like, three other people in the store.
Anyway, shopping is done, brioche are now out of the oven, and all is well with the world.
Oh! And also, someone on my flist linked to this:
the most badass alphabet ever. It is indeed badass, and also hilarious and awesome.
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