whomsoever i've cured, i've sickened now

Oct 29, 2010 22:57

I feel like someone who is actually enjoying this season of SPN could do a really good deconstruction of this episode through the lens of it being a noir story this season, because wow, yeah. This episode drove that home. If I didn't think it would devolve into a lot of vitriol, I'd do it myself, but the odds of that are pretty slim. So all I really have to say is okay, I think we all knew Sam was lying when Dean tried to make him tell the truth, but after they hung a lantern on the girl's tells, I expected Dean to call Sam on that, because he was CLEARLY LYING. I mean, we all know Sam is a lying lieface who lies, but that was some blatant, in your face lying, and Dean SHOULD have called him on it instead of believing in the truth curse. I think we all also knew that it was going to be Sam missing some or all of his soul, and just, yawn.

Lastly, what was that load of horseshit Dean was shoveling in his truth speech?

Unfortunately, I was watching on the old TV in my parents' basement, which has terrible sound and no closed captioning, so I couldn't hear most of what Lisa said, but I don't think it had anything to do with Dean being nothing but a killer. If anything, all we've heard this season is that Dean's lost his edge and isn't much of a hunter anymore (which, also? unless they attribute it to his alcoholism, makes no sense. Though I suppose it could be from PTSD - that losing Sam gave him the yips when it comes to hunting. I don't think it was one year of suburban living that did it.). I mean, I don't blame Lisa at all, and it's not like I didn't expect the show to write her out (at least they didn't kill her!) but I also think "You can never be happy with Sam in your life" is bullshit. If Sam were Sam, he totally could, in fact, he could have both Sam and Lisa & Ben, but the truth of it is, the writers don't want Dean to have any semblance of good in his life. They want to torture him and make him all angsty and manpainy at the expense of any and all character growth they allow him to have, and whatever, show, my interest in that waned a long time ago.

That was more than I intended to say.


Otoh, I haven't watched Smallville except for the last few minutes in about seven years, but I definitely approved of the last five minutes tonight. *snerk*


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tv: supernatural: episode-related

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