the taste of defeat was never far from your mind

Oct 26, 2010 23:25

Holy shit, The Good Wife! How so good and so heartbreaking? This episode reminded me in some ways of The West Wing. I mean, it doesn't have the humor or the stylized dialogue, but the late night backroom dealings while a gala event goes on outside - yeah, that felt like WW to me.

Oh, Diane. I think the conversation with the wife was a little heavy-handed, but not at all unrealistic. And totally heartbreaking. As was that ending. Of course, she walked away. Who would put themselves through that, especially when going up against a saint?

And wow, they actually made me like Peter for a few seconds, when he told the weaselly lawyer guy (who was he? I've seen him in things) to shove it and then put Alicia's phone back in her bag after almost listening to Will's first voicemail.

And what's up with Cary? Did he really want justice? Did he just want to cause trouble? Some combination of the two?

Not gonna lie, I maybe squeed a little when Will's date was all, "He came home from college in love with someone else," and Alicia looked over at him, and dear god, I wish they would stop stringing this along! I mean, I get why they have to, but it is making me a little crazy.


Got my flu shot this afternoon at work and now my arm is sore. I told them to do my left arm, since I'm a righty, but later I realized that was dumb because I sleep on my left side, and I will not be able to do that tonight. Sigh. Poor planning, self.


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