there'll be the soaring voice for a silent plea

Sep 29, 2010 23:06

So I got home this evening and, as usual, tried to turn on the lamp in my living room. The one on the end table next to the couch, where I sit to use my laptop and watch tv and basically live. And the light did not turn on. (Yes, I know it was not a blown out light bulb. I checked.) This is the third lamp in the past few months this has happened with, which, okay, all three were about 16 years old (i.e., I got them when I first moved out of my parents' house in 1994), so they were probably due to expire, but in the meantime, I was left in the dark!

It was an emergency. A lamp emergency. Lampergency, if you will.

Luckily, there's a Pier 1 about six blocks away, so after getting rid of the old one and shuffling stuff around and dusting, I went to Pier 1 and bought two lamps. I feel like Dana Whitaker1.

Since I was having lamp drama, I completely forgot to watch or record Undercovers. *sadface* I guess I will acquire it on Friday, since I'm off.

I did watch Criminal Minds, and was that the most meta episode they've ever done? I think it was. JJ is taken away from them by the PTB! There's nothing anyone can do! It's a done deal! Sometimes you just have to let people go! I'm not sure if this was the writers being all, "We're pissed too but it's out of our hands" (esp. "There's still a lot of big strong men around") or if they were just trying to make us feel better about it, but I do not feel better about it. I didn't think I was going to cry, though, not until Garcia started crying. Oh, baby girl, I feel you, honey. When she cries, I cry. Sigh. Also, what's up with Prentiss's hair? is she trying to look like Joan Jett circa 1984? Prentiss! I love you! But I do not love your new hair. Of course, I also don't really like Garcia's red hair, so whatever.

Anyway. I am still angry about them getting rid of JJ and that this is Prentiss's last season, and reminding us of how awesome they are isn't really any consolation, because I already know how awesome they are, and so should the PTB. Fuckers.

1Dana: Do you know what I do when I feel I'm about to lose it a little? I buy a lamp.
Casey: Well, lady, you must have one well-lit apartment, because you turned a corner somewhere.


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