just one day out of life

Aug 23, 2010 22:13

One of my bosses is on vacation this week, and the other was supposed to be out today, but she came in because the weather was awful and there was no point staying at the beach in the rain. She was all, "Wow, it's really quiet today!" which is hilarious, because you know, I cleared her calendar because she wasn't supposed to be here today!


I guess I forgot to mention it, but the other night I dreamt I was baking cupcakes for Batman. Apparently, he likes red velvet with cream cheese frosting. I was trying to build a cupcake tower (there were double chocolate cupcakes on the bottom tier, the red velvet were in the middle tier, and orange with vanilla buttercream frosting on the top tier) and people kept interrupting me, and I was like, I HAVE TO GET THIS DONE! PLEASE GO AWAY! So even in my anxiety dreams I stress-bake? I don't even know.


There's this thing where people are talking about the first fanfic they loved? I know that Adena 1950 was the first fanfic I read that I didn't think sucked, that made me think this was a worthwhile pursuit. Care Package was the first m/m slash I read that made sense to me, that didn't make me go, "What the fuck? This makes no sense! And is also terribly written!" Both of those stories are for HLotS and both had to be found via the Wayback Machine. (My early forays into reading fic involved some terrible Mulder/Krycek and Buffy/Angel that made me want to gouge my eyes out. And I'm not even talking about the terrible website design. It took nearly a year of being in fandom before I found anything I felt was actually worth reading, and "Adena 1950" was the first one to make me go, "Oh, I see. I get what this can do.")

But the first fanfic I really truly LOVED, the one that made me want to read and write it and love it was Safety in Numbers (XMM).

Man, all I wanted was to write a story that made other people feel the way that one made me feel. I don't know if I've ever been successful, and I'm too afraid right now to reread any of these to see how they hold up, but there's a little bit of my fannish history for you.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/208118.html.
people have commented there.

work, dreams, i am okay with that!, fannishness

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