maybe he slipped one past the goalie

Apr 23, 2009 22:45

I enjoyed Bones, though I don't really have anything to say about it.

Supernatural: 4.19: Jump the Shark

You know, if they were going to do the sekrit half-sibling appears out of nowhere story, this was the best possible way to do it.

Jump the Shark! Cousin Oliver's! I like how aware they are that this is a ridiculous soap opera turn for the fourth season (I still think Jo should have been John's daughter if they were going to do it, but whatever, show) and they play it straight. And they made me think a third brother could be interesting to keep around. (Of course, I also ended up liking Dawn a lot by the end of BtVS, though, so...)

Does JDM get any kind of payment for having his face all over the ep?

Sam brushing his teeth! Boys sleeping in the car! Boys at the shore! Even Dean turning his nose up at sitting in the backseat overnight tuna! (In my fanon, they hate tuna. Mostly because I think it is gross.)

This episode is full of SMART DEAN FOR THE WIN! The holy water. THE SILVERWARE! HE BRINGS HIS OWN PLACE SETTING! ♥ x eleventy million. He's basically right about everything. Because he is a FANTASTIC hunter. You know he only throws scissors because he's so used to it, even when he knows he should throw paper (because Sam knows he's going to throw scissors), he physically can't do it. Of course, I'm not sure Sam would have fit in that exceptionally large vent.

This was an episode full of Oh, Dean and Oh, Sam. And a baseball reference! Dean is jealous 'cause John never took him to a game for his birthday! Dean/baseball=OTP!

I love that Sam gets to play the older brother for once - you know he's probably occasionally wished for that (though generally he likes being the baby, though he would never admit it), and Dean is just... Dean just wants to give the kid the innocence he couldn't give to Sam. And Sam's embrace of the life - his fatalism, his sense that he can never escape this life - is scaring me. I mean, we've always known how much Sam was like John, and Dean knew it (he says it back in season 1), but I think it's the first time Dean's vocalized that this might not be a good thing. The argument about jealousy - because OF COURSE Dean is jealous (Sam is, too, in some ways) - he never felt like he had John's unconditional love the way Sam did.

"He's a Winchester. He's already cursed."

And Dean, doing whatever it takes to protect his family. He needs to have a metric fuckton of kids he can raise, because that would be awesome and hot and also awesome. He would leave hunting if he could now, though I think he would come back to it, and not only because he seriously is the BEST HUNTER EVER OMG.

"Sloppy Joe." Oh, Dean, never change.

Was anyone else waiting for the ghouls to recoil from Sammy's demon blood, like Angelus and Wentworth Miller in "Go Fish"? Or for Sam to lay the psychic smackdown on them? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Dean saving himself from being buried alive and then bursting in to save Sam from bleeding out, but Sam was actually in some danger there and it would have been nice if he'd managed to save himself. I'm not sure how I feel about the come-and-go nature of his powers (they only work on demons?). And seriously, towels? Put some pressure on that? Come the fuck on, guys! Poor Sam is going to have suicide scars now.

And wow, Dean was taking out some of his anger and resentment on ghoul!Adam, huh? We haven't seen that look on Dean's face in a long time.

And seriously, Sam, bring him back? WTF? I love the WTF? look Dean gives him. Sam has been seriously broken since Mystery Spot, but Dean doesn't seem to be capable of dealing with that fact, and I'm not sure if it's a character choice or if the show just doesn't get how far around the bend Sam has gone.

Anyway, I was concerned about this episode, but it turned out to be something I really liked a lot. There is a lot of good Sam and Dean character stuff to ponder, so I'm sure I'll be back with thinky thoughts (or fic) at some point.


that sam-i-am, tv: supernatural: episode-related, oh dean, tv: bones, the boy/boy melodrama

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