maybe he slipped one past the goalie

Apr 23, 2009 22:45

I enjoyed Bones, though I don't really have anything to say about it.

Supernatural: 4.19: Jump the Shark

spoilers )

that sam-i-am, tv: supernatural: episode-related, oh dean, tv: bones, the boy/boy melodrama

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Comments 36

nwhepcat April 24 2009, 02:52:39 UTC
Holy crap, this ep was brilliant and cruel and amazing. Dean broke my fucking heart, and that turnaround he does on the John question, and the speech he makes to Sam about it .... buckets of flail.

And I loved the nifty move he made to pull himself out of the tomb.

And holy WTF, Sam. Yeah, "Let's bring him back." Because that works out so well. Always.

I've been scared by Sam for a while, too. Man, he's far gone.



musesfool April 24 2009, 14:01:19 UTC
John's been sliding off that pedestal since season 2, but I think this is the first time he actually verbalizes to Sam how it's not a compliment (he does call John an ass in Playthings, and we get the whole sequence in DaLDoM as well).

I've been scared by Sam for a while, too. Man, he's far gone.

Sam's crazy is EPIC.


barkley April 24 2009, 02:57:21 UTC
I was totally waiting for the ghouls to make a blood comment! Then again, I was also waiting for Sam to use his powers to get out of his little predicament. Why won't he do so?

I felt bad for Sam of the two wounds that he had to apply pressure to simultaneously. How does that work? But I LOVED the brotherly hug there.


musesfool April 24 2009, 14:08:07 UTC
I was totally waiting for the ghouls to make a blood comment! Then again, I was also waiting for Sam to use his powers to get out of his little predicament. Why won't he do so?

I've seen it suggested that the power is in his blood, so since it was draining out of him so quickly, he couldn't marshal his strength, but that's a little too literal for me (though I wouldn't put it past the show to offer that explanation *snerk*).

I felt bad for Sam of the two wounds that he had to apply pressure to simultaneously. How does that work? But I LOVED the brotherly hug there.

Yeah, I don't know what Dean was thinking with that, but oh, boys! Even when they are as far apart as they are here, they're still together. Sigh.


writingpathways April 24 2009, 03:05:32 UTC
I loved, LOVED this episode. For everything you said, though you didn't mention one detail I totally loved. The bartender woman totally IDing Dean as a cop in his FBI gear. Saying he looked the part. And he so does and it's finally been said.

Sam has been seriously broken since Mystery Spot, but Dean doesn't seem to be capable of dealing with that fact, and I'm not sure if it's a character choice or if the show just doesn't get how far around the bend Sam has gone.

I know. I do think Dean is still a bit in denial, hoping Sam will snap out of it plus he doesn't know about the demon blood yet. Speaking of which I'm thinking Sam couldn't psychically save his own ass because the blood was pouring out of him and that is what is juicing him up. (would've been cool if the ghouls hated his demony blood but they didn't seem to mind, oh well ( ... )


musesfool April 24 2009, 15:06:38 UTC
The bartender woman totally IDing Dean as a cop in his FBI gear. Saying he looked the part. And he so does and it's finally been said.

It's funny, though, because Jaime in Monster Movie was all, "You don't act like a Fed." but Dean being melancholy on the job totally makes him look like a cop. And the suit, of course. In another life, he'd have been an awesome cop/fed/profiler.

I'm thinking Sam couldn't psychically save his own ass because the blood was pouring out of him and that is what is juicing him up

that seems a little literal to me, but I would not be surprised if the show went that way.

I'm thinking some more resentment of having an absentee father would've been in the mix for Adam too.

Yeah, I definitely think the real Adam would have been less sanguine about everything. I mean, two guys who may or may not actually be your half-brothers show up and tell you that monsters are real? You do not say, "Okay! Let's go hunting!"


writingpathways April 24 2009, 17:00:32 UTC
I'm thinking Sam couldn't psychically save his own ass because the blood was pouring out of him and that is what is juicing him up

that seems a little literal to me, but I would not be surprised if the show went that way.

I just think that they are going fairly literal with it, the demon blood is like gasoline and he was leaking gas. It works for me. The only other thing I could come up with is it was like in Charmed when the sisters hands were tied and they could use their powers. Which to me is even more lame.

And Sanguine is the perfect work about how Adam was. I was trying last night to come up with right word when talking about and couldn't.


musesfool April 24 2009, 17:07:25 UTC
I just think that they are going fairly literal with it, the demon blood is like gasoline and he was leaking gas. It works for me.

yeah, not so much for me. Just another thing about the mytharc I will have to handwave.


soundingsea April 24 2009, 03:25:49 UTC
I still think Jo should have been John's daughter if they were going to do it

Oh, man. I would have loved that.

This episode is full of SMART DEAN FOR THE WIN! [...] He's basically right about everything. Because he is a FANTASTIC hunter.

He's just awesome. I love watching him be so smart.

I love that Sam gets to play the older brother for once

But did Dean love it? Because it seemed like he was sitting there awkwardly...

I think it's the first time Dean's vocalized that this might not be a good thing.

Maybe Dean is finally ready to admit his dad wasn't perfect?

Sam has been seriously broken since Mystery Spot, but Dean doesn't seem to be capable of dealing with that fact, and I'm not sure if it's a character choice or if the show just doesn't get how far around the bend Sam has gone.

I think the show realizes Sam is screwed up. At least it keeps making it clear to us (the audience), right? And Exposition!Angel was blah blahing about Sam being on a dark path...


musesfool April 24 2009, 15:19:36 UTC
Oh, man. I would have loved that.

You and me both. And I was actually surprised they didn't go there at the time. Sigh.

He's just awesome. I love watching him be so smart.

Me, too! Like, he didn't know exactly what they were dealing with, but by god, he was going to track it down and kill it! And because he's DEAN WINCHESTER, of course he could, and did.

Maybe Dean is finally ready to admit his dad wasn't perfect?

I'd say he admitted that back in Playthings, but I think it's probably the first time he's really vocalized it to Sam when Sam isn't ready to join in.

I think the show realizes Sam is screwed up. At least it keeps making it clear to us (the audience), right? And Exposition!Angel was blah blahing about Sam being on a dark path...

I hope so.


dotfic April 24 2009, 03:28:36 UTC
Haha, I don't even know how to comment on this since you were already in my brain, or something. Hee. Just...nodding along vigorously.


musesfool April 24 2009, 15:19:46 UTC


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