sucking out all my energy

Feb 10, 2009 15:59

So apparently even though Sprint offers Google apps for phones, my LG phone is not compatible? It keeps asking me for some kind of network access/permission, but I can't find any information about this in the google mobile help area, and the forum is full of people with LG phones also having similar difficulties.


I suppose I can live without it. Unfit mail also won't load - I can get to the sign in page, but when I sign in, it just asks for my password again. LJ, otoh, is availble. So, there's that. heh.

Technology giveth, and technology taketh away.


Last night, I finished Flora's Dare: How a Girl of Spirit Gambles All to Expand Her Vocabulary, Confront a Bouncing Boy Terror, and Try to Save Califa from a Shaky Doom (Despite Being Confined to Her Room), which I enjoyed a lot, though I am not sure how I feel about Flora being Butcher Brakespeare's daughter and head of house Hadraada. I like that Idden showed up, though I feel like both she and Udo kind of got short shrift here, like the story went from being one thing to being something else entirely, which is weird, because the throughline with the Loliga and Axacaya is certainly there. I guess there were unexplored avenues I'd have liked to have seen explored. And yet again, the book ends without Flora having to face Buck about what happened. I really wish there were more of Buck in the books. That said, I would certainly read more of Flora's adventures, should Wilce produce them. The language play is fun, I like this world, and this conception of magic, and Flora and Udo are kind of adorable.

Then I went to bed at 10:30 [!!!] and woke up every two hours until my alarm went off at 7:25.


I had two interviews this morning - the first was in person at 9 am, and I made it there in plenty of time. They had me filling out a form, which, hi, that's what my resume is for (I just put "please see attached resume" in various slots, and, uh, attached my resume), but then the head of HR spirited me away for my interview before I finished it. She did almost all of the talking, which is fine by me. I think my resume is a good summation of what I'm capable of, and what little I did get to say was on point. Then she sent me to speak with the other executive assistant, who also did all of the talking, and she was very passionate about the organization and its mission - the evangelical zeal of a convert, it felt like (note: I mean this in a strictly secular sense, as it was not a religious organization). The job sounds interesting, though I am a little leery of the open floor plan of the office - apparently only the CEO has his own office and everybody else is out on the floor. They do have a couple of awesome unusual perks, though, which I would certainly take advantage of should I get the job. The HR lady indicated that I would likely be getting a call to come in for the next round, but I am not banking on it until I actually get the call.

We'll see what happens. I've sent off my email and handwritten thank you notes, at any rate.

Then I walked down to fleurdeleo's office to take my 10am phone interview, since I wasn't going to be able to make it home in time. (I tried to schedule the 9am later in the day, but that didn't work out so well.) That interview went pretty well, but again, I said my little piece about what I did at BEMC, and then the interviewer spoke for the rest of the time. This job sounds less interesting to me, if only because it involves working in a regional sales office as the admin to a bunch of salesmen, and sales and I - from that end of it - are unmixy things.

Still, I had a nice visit with fleurdeleo, who said I sounded knowledgeable and professional on the phone, and who also complimented me on my suit and my mother's pearls.

Then I headed to Bloomingdale's, since it was on the way home, and I still had the gift certificate from last Christmas to finish up. I bought five new tops to go under my suits, in such wonderfully conservative colors as pale pink and light grey. Actually, I did buy two red tops, because at some point, once I have a job, I'm going to be allowed to wear colors under my suits, right? *snerk*

And then I headed to the Clinique counter, since I wanted the cranberry cream lipstick that they were out of the last two times I was there. Success! And I also picked up a blackberry bloom lipgloss, which I am wearing right now. It is very shiny, if not much in the way of an actual color. There was a free giftie involved, though (mostly of things I do not use), so it's all good.

Then I was going to go to the movies, since the water is turned off in my building today from 9am until 4pm (allegedly; I hope it comes back on then, if not sooner, but I am not holding my breath) because they are doing some kind of repairs to the pipes (yet again), but I was drained after all of that running around and being on my best behavior, so I picked up a bagel and an iced coffee and came home.

Yesterday's interview went well, I thought, though I also got the sinking feeling that the HR lady thought I was overqualified for the position, which she said was highly clerical in nature. And I'm like, lady, if you want to pay me close to what I was making for filing, then I will file. I mean, I don't look forward to a future of filing, but it's the sort of organization where I think you can move around, if you are willing to take projects on and stuff. I think I did well on the tests, but I am not holding my breath.

Tomorrow I have a second interview (third, if you count the phone interview) at the place I went last Friday, and on Thursday, I have an in-person with flaky HR guy (who still has not sent me the address of the company, despite my emails to him).

This morning, I left a second message for the HR person at the job I really wanted (and went on the third interview for two weeks ago), but she is dodging me, which I think is pretty shitty. Just tell me I didn't get it, and let me move on. Not that I haven't moved on already, but official confirmation would be nice.

In the meantime, I've sent out another handful of resumes today, and all I can do is keep hoping something comes through. Sigh.


Huh. I thought I posted this, but here it is, still in the semagic window. oops? I have a bunch of comments to answer, but I think I am going to take a nap now. Sigh.


technology is not my friend, jobhunt09!, books

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