how long the fog lasts

Feb 09, 2009 11:50

So I was up really late last night finishing my Life marathon.

I am not necessarily fannish about it, in the sense that I desperately want to read and write fic for it (well, except for the bad wrong Charlie/Rachel, and how is there only ONE story about this pairing out there?), but I really enjoyed the 24 (25?) hours I spent with these characters in the span of a couple of days.

I was hoping to have some kind of smart post about it, about how Dani Reese (even with the ridiculous s2 changes in her hair/wardrobe) is seriously awesome, and how I hadn't realized that I really love Charlie Crews in all his weirdness, and Ted! Dear, sweet, neurotic Ted! ♥ I have even, much against my will, started warming to Tidwell, though I am still vehemently opposed to Dani having a sexual relationship with him.

I wouldn't mind it quite so much, I think, if it were clearly meant to be yet another screw-up on Dani's part - I mean, sleeping with your boss is never a good idea and it has the potential to go bad in many, many interesting ways, but I fear they are trying to soften and redeem Dani with the love of a good - if sleazy and flawed - man. And I don't think she needs softening or redeeming, so I am just squicked by the whole thing.

While I am not opposed to Dani/Charlie - I do love partner relationships - I am not actively shipping them, so it's not that that's keeping me from warming to Reese/Tidwell, though I resent his interference when there should just be partner stuff. I was annoyed that he was the one who was there when Dani was talking about her father walking out. That should have been Charlie. It also doesn't help that I really liked Lt. Davis, and having her disappear, and having Connie basically be compromised, makes Dani the only interesting woman left. (I don't count Charlie's ex-wife because 1. I don't like her, and 2. I don't like the game she's playing with Charlie; and Rachel doesn't have any agency - she's moved around by the men like a pawn.)

Speaking of Connie, I was totally on board with Charlie/Connie - I thought they had some seriously delicious UST and she did some fine yearning - but they never went anywhere with it, and then she turns on him? That left a really bad taste in my mouth, but I can see the dramatic possibilities in it - for years, she was the only one Charlie could trust, the only one who believed in him, and now she's been yanked away (by Jack Reese? by whoever it is who scares Jack Reese? I am not sure how I feel about this idea that he's a pawn too, with someone pulling his strings as well), but Charlie has Dani, sort of, and Ted.

In case it hasn't come through, I really do LOVE Charlie and Dani's partnership, how she does learn to trust him, and how he mostly trusts her, but he's still holding back - is he protecting her? or is he unsure of her loyalities, since she's Jack Reese's daughter?

I love how hard Charlie is trying to live in the world, and to let go of his anger, but he can't, and I love how it wells up and oozes out. I would really love to read some highly inappropriate Charlie/Rachel, where she is acting out and he no longer has any sense of what's appropriate and things just happen. Especially since she's all "You're not my uncle"/"Uncle Charlie" and he's all, "I was worried" and she's all, "Ted was worried. You weren't here!"

I also really enjoy Roman Nevikov as an antagonist, looming over everything. He's the kind of villain I love - he has panache and a sort of amused superiority complex that I find entertaining even as I find him vile and want to see him get his comeuppance.

I am also fond of Bobby Stark. Heh. Even if he appears to be the only uniform who ever has a speaking role.

So yeah, I enjoy it a lot. The cases are generally amusing, if flimsy, but I watch Bones, so I'm used to that. It's the relationships that I'm invested in - the friendship (or more) between Charlie and Ted, the growing trust and partnership between Crews and Reese - and so far the show's been good about delivering on that.


There's been fic the past few days, for halfamoon:

Homicide: Life on the Street; Kay Howard; g; 390 words
This is what she's good at.

Leverage/Supernatural; Parker (Sam and Dean); g; no spoilers; 830 words
Parker likes small, enclosed spaces.

I See the Moon and the Moon Sees Me
Supernatural; Mary (Sam and Dean); g; 485 words
Mary's boys will never hunt by the light of the moon.

Hopefully there will be more in the coming days, as well.


tv: life

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