Yesterday morning, surprise phone interview was surprising, and then they called me right back to come in today for the in-person interview, so I am in the process of rushing out the door, but there are a couple of things about last night's SPN I wanted to get down, if I can still remember them.
= so Dean's deepest desire is to always have Sam with him, and to have Sam BE HONEST with him - he doesn't care about the demon blood or the powers or Ruby - he just wants to know he can trust Sam and that Sam trusts him. Otoh, Nick was more like Dean than he was like Sam, so I guess Dean really does want Sam to be more like him? Or to like the things he likes, anyway. Which. I like the thing about trust better, but I think the show offers both ideas.
= Sam sleeps with a woman we're meant to think he thinks is "perfection" and she's basically Dean. Dedicated to caring for/serving others, cynical about relationships, drinks on the job, snarky, and sex-positive.
= Dean calls Sam out on the lying and the secret-keeping (not only has this been a theme the entire show, but I imagine it was a theme while Sam was growing up, as well), and he's not wrong, but those are also core parts of Sam's personality (instilled by the way he was raised, yes, but also, that's just how Sam is - he's an introvert, a brooder, and a secret keeper)
= Sam fights dirty when cornered or hurt (or possessed) and I think that harks all the way back to when he was the smaller, weaker brother. And I think some of the lying and the secretiveness has its roots there as well. When you're the youngest and the smallest, you learn to hit where it hurts, because you don't have much and you have to defend it. Possibly I am projecting or overidentifying, but as the youngest sibling, I totally get why Sam is the way he is in those ways. Plus, he's a grudge-and-grievance nurser. He overthinks and analyses and generally works himself into a state over stuff he can't do anything about and it just sits, simmering in his belly, until finally something cracks and it all comes pouring out like bile.
= I found it interesting that before he's infected, Sam uses the same words about Nick that he uses against Dean (that various other demons have used against Dean, that he himself used back in Asylum and BUaBS) - pathetic and needy.
= I'm still not sure why they needed Bobby to figure out it was a siren - shouldn't their first thought have been succubus? We know succubi exist in the SPN-verse (thanks, Richie, we hardly knew ye), so why wasn't "nest of succubi" their first thought?
= Dean reading Homer will NEVER EVER stop making me happy
= Wow, Jensen is pretty. In that scene in the strip club, where they're talking about music? and his hair is sort of falling in his face and his tie is loosened. Guh. *dies* Though that did look more like Jensen to me than Dean.
= Possibly this is an unpopular opinion, but what the HELL is Jensen doing with Dean's voice this season? He is going WAY WAY OVER THE TOP with the deep fake Batman voice and it just feels so forced and false a lot of the time. Like, he's overusing it, to a point where I'm like, oh no not again. What the hell is that?
Crap. I have to go. Stupid interviews. Can't someone just hire me because I'm awesome?