i am coming for all of you!

Feb 06, 2009 23:29

Battlestar Galactica

You know, the only thing that would have made that farewell between Roslin and Adama better is if he had said, "I love you." and she had answered, "I know." I'm surprised I didn't make that connection last week when it actually happened.

I am not sure how I feel about Chief's journeys through Galactica's duct work. On the one hand, I guess his interaction with that guy led to that guy rejoining the crew and leaving the mutineers (that was the same guy, right? Look, I've had a lot of sangria and sometimes these scruffy white guys all look the same to me.) was worth it, and of course the ending where he physically disables the FTL drive (did he really think they didn't yank his access ASAP? Seriously?).

Laura Roslin, man. I would not cross her. She is BADASS. "I AM COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!" ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I am not Lee's biggest fan *snerk*, but I do like it when he is armed and dangerous and playful with Kara. "It would have been funny if you'd thought of it." Bless. I like him so much better this way. I don't care much about him and Kara as a couple, but I love it when they fight back to back. *dreamy sigh*

speaking of whom, WTF? WHAT HAPPENS TO KARA AND SAM? (in light of last night's SPN, that is actually really hilarious. Heh.) I guess Badger, I mean, Romo Lampkin, helps her get Anders to Doc Cottle, but still, talk about your dangling ending. I kind of hated that she wasn't there for Adama's rescue and triumphant return to the CIC. Of course, she would've shot Gaeta and Zarek both right in the head, right there (and I would have cheered), so possibly it's best she wasn't.

And there's Caprica Six with Hera. Athena should be way more worried about her than Natalie. (Sigh. I liked Natalie. I wish she'd lived.)

Baltar's self-awareness has grown at least. And I did love that last scene of him and Gaeta. "I know who you are, Felix." Poor Gaeta. His idealism is what led him to make all those poor decisions. He wasn't wrong - he wasn't wrong about stealing the election, and he wasn't wrong about how Adama and Roslin have been running things, but still, his methods in this case... he got in bed with a man who had no plan to actually lead the fleet anywhere, whose only plan was to accrete power for himself, and then wield it like a club. Yay for Mystery Spot guy for sticking by Roslin and Adama. In your face, Tom Zarek. Mr. Vice President. Heh.

I really really do not like Tory. And hey, Leoben actually proved useful for once. But did they really leave D'Anna back on Earth? I miss her so.

So that was a nicely tense hour of teevee, though not near as adrenaline pumping as The Oath.

And I guess I will be nice and do a separate cut for the preview for next week.

Sweet jaysus on a cracker.

ELLEN! *squee*

I did not understand all those people who bitched about Ellen being the fifth, and complaining that it was a cop out or a waste because she was dead. She's a FRAKKING CYLON, MAN! SHE CAN COME BACK! THERE WILL BE A RECKONING! SO SAY WE ALL!

I think what I love best about BSG is how it quite reliably leaves me going OMGWTFBBQ! after watching it.


So my interview this afternoon went really well, I think, and I am going back for the second (technically, if you count surprise phone interview with HR, third) interview on Wednesday. I really liked both the ladies I met with and I think they liked me, as I was still on the subway going home when I got the call to come in for the next step. Just so's you know, today I wore my mom's pearls, which she gave me last weekend.

In the meantime, on Monday I am going to Awesome Organization for an interview, and on Tuesday morning I have two interviews - one in person, one via phone. Also, one other place I did a phone interview with this week - the one I didn't bungle - emailed me to set up a meeting next week, but I don't have a time for it yet.

I know that this is good, that this is how I'm going to get a job, but I am tired of it. I would like to have a job now, please.

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes. I know this is not interesting to read about, and once I have a new job, I will likely cease boring you with work talk.

I am going to veg out now. Will answer comments and make up today's halfamoon ficlet tomorrow.


jobhunt09!, starbuck is my tv girlfriend, tv: bsg

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