i had no chance at all

Jan 25, 2009 15:45

Following up on my post from last night, Party and Bullshit by the Notorious B.I.G.

Speaking of, here's an excerpt from Newsweek's Oscar roundtable (thanks to hradzka for the link):

DOWNEY: I got a story for you. I go to Japan. "Iron Man" is opening there. I'm like, dude, this is my walk of fame. I go there and they go [he mimics a Japanese accent], "Small problem with your passport, it links up to some incredible criminal activity." I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. "You did not make claim of said activity." I was like, "I got tired." "We would like to interrogate you." I was like, "Interrogate? Fine, great." Six hours later, I'm sitting there in the Japanese interrogation suite. A lady comes out. "So were you in jail or prison?" I go, "Both." "How long?" "Sixteen months." "Do you know the name of the first infraction you had in 1995?" I was like, "It's hard for me to remember because I've been arrested so many times." "We cannot let you enter our country." They decided later that I can come in to do the press, "but I must please never come to Japan again." So-I'll wrap this up quickly. We go to the Iron Chef restaurant. They give me the finest Kobe beef, and I am doubled over for Yoo-hoo status for the next two days.

LANGELLA: I don't know what that means.

DOWNEY: I ate a piece of beef that was superexpensive, I got a parasite and I was Yoo-hoo. I was Brown Betty for two days.

LANGELLA: See, he has his own language.
Oh, RDJ, never change. I mean, stay clean, but, you know, be funny about it.


You ever have a title that is AWESOME and you are just dying to use it, but it doesn't fit anything you're actually writing, and you're tempted to use it ANYWAY because of the AWESOME? But you know you have to hold it back for a story that would really fit? I am having that right now. It would help, maybe, if I could actually write the story I'm working on, instead of just thinking about it and hoping the words will magically appear on the screen. I found an alternate title that I like, but I have the sad feeling that I will always look at this story and think it could have had the world's most AWESOME title, even if it didn't really fit. Sigh.


movies: iron man, writing: on titles & summaries, links

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