the ending's not the same

Jan 06, 2009 16:41

I was up very late last night - I went to bed at a reasonable time, couldn't sleep and ended up staying up until about 3:30. Which would have been fine except I had an interview this morning and... yeah. That happened. It went as well as these things ever do, which is to say, I felt it went fine walking out of there, but it was still just an agency and not an actual place looking to hire someone and really, I don't think I'm going to consider an interview a true success until someone offers me a job.

Then I came home, backed up my LJ, did some grocery shopping, and took an epic nap, which I am still groggy from.


Things I am actively thinking about:

1. I wrote last night, and it felt good. Hopefully, that trend will continue.

2. In order to get back into the s4 Sam'n'Dean headspace, I rewatched "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Heaven and Hell" and as ridiculous as the whole "she ripped out her grace" thing is, I get why visually it had to be like that - if demons = inky black smoke, then angels = blinding white light makes sense visually. Also, I still don't really find either sex scene hot (though I do like the just before bits while Ruby is seducing Sam, and I think the Reverse Judas Kiss Anna gives Dean later is kind of hot), but I am all for the boys taking their shirts off at every opportunity. Overall, I am still very pleased with the way the show has gone so far this season.

3. iTunes is finally getting on top of things and waiving DRM on all the music it sells. About freaking time. The change in pricing structure is interesting, as I am sure there will be much more that costs $1.29 than $0.69, but I will be happy not to have to do the whole burn-to-CD-reimport dance to get rid of the lock.

4. I posted a story yesterday!

Dark Angel; Max/Alec; adult; 3,530 words
In which Alec puts his money where his mouth is. So to speak.

It didn't come out quite as funny (or hot) as I'd imagined it, but I almost always find writing dirty talk ridiculous, and the sex didn't go quite the way I thought it would, but overall I like how it turned out. Thanks to those of you who've commented. I really appreciate it.


Things I am choosing to ignore womanfully until such time as they can no longer be ignored:

1. that SPN spoiler that's got everyone in a tizzy. No, not that one. The other one. I refuse to believe it until it shows up on my TV. Because it is the height of DUMB. (possibly there will be spoilers in comments?)

2. I feel bad for the folks laid off by LJ, especially if they don't get severance, but I don't see it really affecting us in any way at this time - if it comes down to it that LJ no longer makes code updates etc., and some other service does it better, or is actually fan-owned and run or whatever - then I guess fandom will move. Where fandom goes, so goes my nation, mostly. I've been ready to pack up and go since Strikethrough, so. My LJ is backed up. I am musesfool on IJ, where all content has been mirrored, JF (where it has not been, because I don't plan on going there), and er, that other one that was Scribblit and is now, um, Inkhost? Inkspot? Something like that. Aha! Inksome! Where none of the layouts I choose ever actually work, so whatever. I have begun putting new fic on the new Wordpress version of my website, and I am slowly filling in the stuff that isn't on the old version (I've already copied over a bunch of the small fandom stuff, but I am not sure how much of the HP stuff will make the transition; none of the XMM or SV stuff will at this time), so there's that.


Things that regularly appear on my flist that I don't care about:

1. those clicky dragon things
2. twitters
3. Merlin (and please don't bother trying to change my mind; my indifference, it is vast and nigh impenetrable [which is to say, if Anthony Stewart Head couldn't penetrate it, you certainly can't])


tv: supernatural, el jay madness, links, unpopular opinions

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