it varies from season to season

Jan 05, 2009 18:36

Icon meme! Seen most recently at chez slodwick. Neato table gacked from lizbee.

I tried not to have any repeats, and also, my answers could change at any moment!




fave ship
fave fandom
fave animated

best quote
best textless
best stolen idea

use the most use the least

How many icons do you have total? 176

How many can you have? 195

If you could buy space for more, would you? depending on my financial situation, probably.

Do your icons make a statement about you? that I really like Jensen Ackles and Katee Sackhoff?

What fandom do you have the most icons of? Supernatural (66)

The second most? Huh. Firefly (17). I thought for sure if would be BSG (or, to be honest, Katee Sackhoff) but that's 16. I think.

What ship do you have the most icons of? I don't technically ship Sam/Dean, but I have the most icons of them as a pair (27). Otherwise, I just have one (or two) each of pairings I ship.

How do you categorize your icons? Uh. Mine are sadly haphazard, if you mean how are they uploaded. Currently, I use quotes I like as keywords - lyrics or lines from poems or shows that seem fitting. I used to just use emotions and/or character names.

Are your icons mostly made by other users? Mostly, yeah.

Do you make icons? Yes, though they're not very fancy. I like textless icons, so I've learned how to crop, brighten, and sharpen.

Are they any good? I like them!

I really wish I remembered I had all these different icons. I fall into the trap of always using the same ones, and I have some great icons that are just languishing from lack of use (or fear that someone will misinterpret the text as directed at them, when often I just mean it as a commentary on whatever situation I'm talking about. That's why my Frank icon gets so little use. Sigh.).

You should feel free to talk to me about my icons! They are very pretty, I think.

I should probably go rustle up some dinner now.


memes: icons, memes

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