dick van dyke that ass

Dec 16, 2008 14:36

My lunch plans were killed by bad weather, so I stayed in and made risotto. snacky linked to this recipe a few months ago, and I bookmarked it, and today is the kind of day (cold, grey, full of "wintry mix") that begs for risotto.

It turns out that my largest frying pan is not quite large enough for this recipe, so there was some spillage. Which I kind of figured would happen around the addition of the third cup of chicken broth. But I managed, because I am awesome like that, and it turned out really well, though I think the heavy cream is overkill, and wouldn't add it again next time (it isn't really necessary, imo, though it is tasty). Also, possibly only one cup of parmesan cheese. And I substituted a cup of white wine for one fo the cups of chicken broth (which I keep typing brother *snerk*).

It turned out really well.

It looks like I will be eating risotto at every meal for the rest of the week. Good thing it's tasty.


Did somebody link to this and I just missed it? (I have not been keeping up with my Google reader the past few days.) It is a brief list of what's coming up in the next three new episodes of Supernatural (with TV Guide style blurbs and guest stars, if that is too spoilery for you), and also little clips from each episode. (I am amused at the comments. Oh, fandom, you never do change, do you?)

Headband WTF? And his ridiculous legs. *dies* And dodgeball! Oh, Dean, you are truly, truly an obnoxious asshole sometimes. It's a good thing you are as awesome as you are, or I might not forgive you.

I love my show.

Jumping to another show, I did not know that a "snook" was a type of fish, so if Olive and Emerson did go into business together, they could be Cod & Snook! Their tagline could be "Something fishy? Call Cod & Snook." Oh, ABC, why are you keeping shitty shows like Private Practice and canning the AWESOME that is Pushing Daisies? Fucktards.


tv: supernatural: links, links, recipes, tv: pushing daisies

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