a strictly no-bravery policy

Dec 15, 2008 21:28

I went to my interview this morning, and after the recruiter's big speech about being corporate and conservative in my clothing, the guy who interviewed me was wearing a flannel and a pair of dockers. (Admittedly the flannel was tucked in, but still. Plaid flannel. *snerk*) I suppose the people who are giving the jobs out have that luxury, while the supplicants do not. I don't think it went badly, but I will be surprised to hear back from them. Of course, I am kind of a pessimist, so.

I came home and had a two hour nap to make up for the bad night of sleep I had, and then this evening, I took the opportunity to catch up on some tv:

Pushing Daisies

Man, I love Lily Charles and her crazy shotgun.

Olive and Emerson! SO AWESOME TOGETHER! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ And when he was talking about his ex, I thought excitedly about who they cast in the role. I really hope they filmed an episode with her, and that we get to see it.

Wow, I really did not like Chuck or Chuck's dad for long stretches. I know she just did the same thing with her dad that Ned did with her, but I just wanted to shake her to make her let Ned redead him. But I guess he's out there now, and they never did find out what Dwight Dixon wanted with the watches, which feels completely unsatisfactory. Or how Charles Charles knocked up Lily and hid it from Vivian or how those relationships all work out. I am still so sad they canceled this show. Sigh.


Friday Night Lights

"Man up, Matt." Oh my god, I died of sheer GLEE about the whole "Coach walks in on Julie and Matt having naked times" storyline. *dies* And then they did make me all teary when Tami was just like, "I just want to protect you. I just want to be able to have this conversation with you." And Julie's, "I don't want to be a disappointment." *sniffle* And then Coach and Matt in the backyard. *loves*

Landry's band sounds MUCH better these days.

I actually felt bad for Buddy Garrity, right up until the moment he revealed it was Lyla's college money he'd lost. I did love how Tim was just like, "You need to leave now." Oh, Tim. (I would have liked a little nod at how badly Tim's father has disappointed him, but I guess that was too much to ask?)

I liked J.D. McCoy sneaking out to see his redhead, and O'Connell trying to cover up for him.

I am unclear on whether Coach called the plays via phone after he was ejected and the other dude is just taking credit, or if the other dude actually did call the game. Huh. I did like Coach sitting there drinking with the guy, though I think they were in enemy territory.



Chuck, man, I get that it's hard to accept the girl you dig was able to pull the trigger, and moreover that she did it to protect you, but it is her job, and I don't think she was necessarily wrong (though possibly I am supposed to think she was? I never know in these situations. I am much less ethical in fiction than I would be in real life.)

How much do I love Awesome and Ellie? SO SO MUCH OMG!

And was that Reginald VelJohnson as Big Mike's cousin? JUST LIKE DIE HARD? *dies*

Oh, they made me actually feel bad for Morgan. He brought Ned Ryerson (NED RYERSON! HA!) down and Anna still wouldn't speak to him, and then he saw Lester putting the liplock on her. Poor Morgan.

(Also, um, I guess I was making unwarranted assumptions, but I'd kind of figured the Bartowskis for Jewish, so Chucks Christmas enthusiasm was kind of surprising to me.)

I can't wait until it comes back in February. This show just makes me very happy.

So that was a satisfying three hours of television.

Also, have I mentioned this? Zachary Levi and John Krasinski need to make a movie together. THEIR FACES! SO ADORKABLE!


tv: friday night lights, tv: chuck, tv: pushing daisies

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