"for every winner there's a hundred losers. odds are, you're one of them"

Nov 19, 2008 14:44

spnroundtable is having a discussion about POV, and whether one finds it easier to write from Sam's POV or Dean's, and I feel like currently, Dean's is definitely easier, but I was pretty sure my stories were fairly evenly split between them, so I did a little counting, and this is what I came up with (approximately):

Dean POV: 63
Sam POV: 52 (including 8 girl!Sam POV stories)
Other: 16 (including a bunch of crossovers, as well as Ellen, Jo, Jess, and Mary POV)

Not as close as I'd thought, but part of that is definitely my inability to get into Sam's head so far this season and also, I had had this idea (possibly false) that most of the casefiles I'd written were in Sam's POV, so I wanted to write a couple from Dean's POV, so there's that. And also, I bet some of those eleven more Dean POV stories are the Dean-het stuff, whereas I am not that interested in writing about Sam having sex with people who aren't Jess or Dean (or Buffy, which, I must admit, I find an adorable combination).

I think lately because I have started more with "Wouldn't it be cool if..." rather than "I wonder how Dean or Sam feels about..." it's been harder for me to pin down POV. I mean, most of the time, the POV comes with the story when it appears - "Beer and the Highway" and "The Sea Will Open in Your Veins" both had to be Sam's POV, but "I've never been too good with names" and "A Proportional Response" had to be Dean's. Something like "If the Shoe Fits," though, that could have been either, and I only went with Dean's because of the always-writing-casefiles-from-Sam's-POV thing I mentioned up there. And also because it's a funny story, and Dean is just better for comedy. He gets so indignant.

Because most of my stories boil down to "Sam learns/thinks Dean is awesome!" sometimes I do write from Sam's POV just to show how much he loves Dean, or so he can learn some new awesome thing about Dean (knitting, kite-flying). And if it's porn, since I don't really find Sam attractive myself, it's easier to write from his POV if it's about attraction to Dean. Though since I don't really write Wincest PWPs where Sam is not a girl, that hasn't really been an issue. Heh.

I guess it really does come down to whatever story I'm working on, which POV I think will work best. Sometimes I'm wrong and I have to go back and rewrite from the other POV, and then it clicks. Usually that's when a story is about something other than what I think it's about. Which happens more often than I'd like anyway. *snerk*


We are not the only ones talking about SPN 4.14. from Ausiello:

Question: Just wanted to thank you for the wealth of Supernatural scoop this season. You rock. It's so great to know my favorite show's getting some buzz. Keep it coming!

Ausiello: In a February episode, the Brothers Dubya get put under a spell that forces them to beat the living daylights out of each other and confront their true feelings. And in exactly that order.

Brawling! Emoporn! Dude, I don't even need the Wincesty bits to make me happy. (Which is probably good, because I still have my doubts about that type of overt Wincest actually showing up on the show. I'm not saying the episode won't play around with that idea, but I can't help but feel that Kripke's also having us on a bit.)


Can it be home times now?


writing: pov, links, the boy/boy melodrama

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