Wow. I'm kind of stunned that
Tim Russert died. My dad watches Meet the Press nearly every Sunday, and I always thought Russert seemed smarter than the average bear (or current news anchorperson, anyway). He was pretty young, too.
Does anyone have a copy of "I Go Crazy" by Flesh for Lulu (from the Some Kind of Wonderful soundtrack) they could share with me? It keeps earworming me, and I don't own it on .mp3 or even CD - I have it on a cassette somewhere packed away in my apartment where I will never ever find it.
I am excited for the BSG mid-season finale tonight (DO NOT SPOIL ME!), but sad that we won't get more until, what? 2009? Who the fuck thought THAT was a good idea? GRAR!
It's 4:10 pm on Friday afternoon. Why is work busy? WHY?
*shakes tiny ineffectual fists at the universe*