i've been trying all night long just to talk to you

Oct 17, 2007 12:28

More icon blathering:

kathrynthegr8 asked about this icon:

by liviapenn, keywords: naughty, sassy, silly
Jeannie! I don't know why more shows don't do animated opening credits. (I also have a Samantha icon from the "Bewitched" opening credits, and lo, it is awesome.

by fox1013.
Dean, honey, Jeannie might have had bigger boobs, but Samantha was so much cooler. You are made of FAIL for not understanding that.) Um, anyway, I've had this icon a long time. Possibly longer than anything but my default icon at this point. It's kind of ribald, kind of silly. I like it a lot.

otherpervert asked about these icons:

art (and cropping) by linnpuzzle, keywords: otp, romantic, rs
It's young post-Hogwarts Remus and Sirius, making out! They are the Tragical OTP of My Heart. Um, even more tragical than most of my other OTPs (I seem to have a knack for picking couples that end badly in the sense that they die young). It's been a while since I've talked about my Remus/Sirius love, and see, when I first hopped on board, it was before OotP, so they were my OTP of Long-Delayed Gratification and Growing Old Together in the Cotswolds. And then the veil happened, and not so much with that. But this artwork is gorgeous and it fills a need for me to have an icon of my OTP kissing.

by me, keyword: lost in thought
This is from the Kate Winslet Amex ad, in which she is luminous in black and white. I have it because it is pretty, and also thoughtful.

by angelgazing (come back! we miss you!), keyword: cheer up emo kid
The text on this is actually from a story I wrote called "Let Your Hips Do the Talking," in which Remus tells Sirius to go AWAY before he is TORMENTING his SOUL. Nichole and I both thought that was hilarious, so she made me the icon. I use it when I am feeling cranky and sad and unloved and just want people to leave me alone.

by oxoniensis, keyword: don't look back
Man, I hardly ever use this icon, because it is SO SAD OMG, Dean's watching Sam walk away. I did at some point know what the context of the scene was, but I've forgotten it, so mostly it's my Dean watches Sam walk away and is very sad icon.

by amberlynne, keywords: danger, i dig chicks with guns
I'm pretty sure Amber made this special for me, but I've since seen other people using it, so I could be remembering that wrong. But yes, I dig chicks with guns, and I came into SPN fandom last summer when it was all in a tizzy about how AWFUL Jo was going to be and how she was going to RUIN THE SHOW OMG and so naturally I decided that I would like her, come hell or high water. Her introduction was clumsy, and it took a while, but I did eventually end up liking her a lot, and she looks hot with a gun.

by maplest, keywords: give me my sin again, guilty, temptation
This is a quote from Romeo and Juliet, where they are kissing and cleverly trading banter about passing their sins between them and kissing as prayers to remove the sins. I think it's especially appropriate in fandom.

by me, keywords: six feet of hardcore awesome, your horizon to chase
This is Tyra Collette from "Friday Night Lights" and she is, as the recapper at TWOP put it, six feet of hardcore awesome (or possibly, technically, 5'11 of hardcore awesome, but let's not quibble over minor details. this is also why I click out of stories where Jess is described as tiny or petite or small, because no. She only looks short because Sam is so gihugic). I believe this is the scene where Tim breaks up with her and makes her cry. Bad Tim Riggins. No biscuit. "Your horizon to chase" is a line from "Harbor," my favorite Vienna Teng song, and Tyra is (or was) always looking to the horizon, for a way out of Dillon, and here she looks like she is actually looking to the horizon physically as well as metaphorically. She breaks my heart. Oh, show, why you gotta saddle her with the dumbest storyline in the history of ever?


So I finally checked out that spinning woman brain test thingy, and I am seriously freaked out that it changed directions, from anti- counterclockwise to clockwise, and then back again.

WTF, brain? No, seriously, WTF? I thought it was not supposed to do that!


I watched last week's episode of The Office, which had some serious cringe-inducing moments, though since I was in the middle of betaing and writing and betaing, I couldn't really get up off the couch and walk away as much as I'd have liked. But oh god, how cute are Jim and Pam? SO FUCKING CUTE, Y'ALL. *smishes them* And Pam attempting to give Dwight a moment of solace with the IM from the computer. "I concede you are the superior being." And Andy! Who generally irritates me and sometimes creeps me out, bringing the adorable with the barbershop quartet and the ABBA. He made Angela smile! I am impressed. Though I agree with Dwight. He should go for Kelly. Lastly, I can't believe Michael dumped Green Eggs and Ham by the side of the road. *sadface* I get that it was a gift for Ryan (and much too good for the punkass little douche), but Green Eggs and Ham! splayed out on the pavement! It made me sad.

Then, I watched Reaper and as much as I enjoy it - and I do - I have two major quibbles:

1. that every week Sam is all, "no, I'm not doing it," and has to be convinced. It's just annoying. We get it. He doesn't like the job. He keeps trying to weasel out of it and only does it once he's shown people have gotten hurt. As this has happened every time so far, I would like him to catch a fucking clue that yes, people are going to get hurt and die if he doesn't do what's asked of him. I get that his situation sucks and he's unhappy about it. But he can be unhappy about it and still do the fucking job.

Wow. I didn't realize I was quite that annoyed, but I guess I am.

2. Just tell Andi about the fucking job. I HATE that he's keeping her out of the loop, yet she's not allowed (by the show) to move on and go to college, and she's put in danger because of him, and he STILL won't fucking tell her! GAH! I CALL BULLSHIT.

Aside from that, I really enjoyed last night's episode. The thing with Winston? What an awesomely cool effect. Even though I personally have never liked birds, and I totally emphathize with Ben's, "I will never be comfortable around birds again," response.

I love Sock. Ben is adorable. And Ray Wise is awesome.


There was fic last night!

20 Hours in America
Supernatural; Dean/Sam; adult; spoilers through the end of season 2; 3,408 words
An hour at a time, for each hour Dean has left.

Written for the Supernatural-West Wing Title Challenge, it's the twenty hours of Dean's last day before the deal comes due.

I had the idea in a shock of brilliance while I was lying in the chair having my teeth cleaned, and it pretty much turned out to be the story that was in my head when I thought of it. I love it when that happens.


tv: reaper, tv: the office, memes: fannish, memes: icons, sometimes i scare myself, links

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