Pushing Daisies
OMG SHOW! Swordfight! "I wanted to be a Jedi." Hee! SO ADORKABLE!
I'm pretty sure I had other things to say but mostly I am reduced to SO ADORKABLE!
Also? I am glad they haven't stretched it out too long, that they are using saran wrap etc. in order to kiss/touch. All that time writing Logan/Rogue has given me the skinny on the many ways two people can kiss/touch/fuck without skin-on-skin contact. It doesn't take a genius, you know?
Now I have Bionic Woman on, and I look up whenever I hear Katee's voice, because oh man, it's so bad. Bad enough that they used Evanescence in one scene.
On the other hand, you know what is OMG SO GOOD? Americone Dream ice cream. I can't stop eating it.
You know what else would be OMG SO GOOD? Sarah/Jaime girlslash with hot bantery up against the wall sex.
*smiles winningly*