squirrels have no souls

Oct 15, 2007 22:48

Enjoyed Chuck. Wish they'd quit with the Chuck/Sarah and go with Sarah/Casey, but that's just me.

Enjoyed some parts of Heroes more than others. Still want to stab [SPOILER] in the face.


This may be my new favoritest thing ever: SugarShock! Battle Royale with Cheese! (part 2 and part 3), a webcomic by Joss Whedon and Fabio Moon.

You know I have my issues with Joss, but this just tickled me from start to finish.

Are you ready to rock our world?



Now I have a story to write 'cause it's due tomorrow, and I still have... *counts* four and a half sections to write. Eek.


tv: heroes, joss, comics: sugarshock, tv: chuck

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