work it like a new boy should

Oct 16, 2007 10:32

That icon meme:
Comment on this post. I'll choose seven userpics from your profile and you'll reply here (or you know, your own journal, whichever), explaining what they mean and why you're using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along. Also, feel free to ask me about my icons here, as well.

amberlynne asked me about these icons:

by miss_reiko, keyword: close your eyes
This is Yaeko, from Heroes, amid the cherry blossoms, waiting for Hiro to kiss her. She was pretty kickass in her first appearance, and well, also pretty. And I felt the need for another Heroes icon, though now I'm not sure why, as the show hasn't been holding my interest this season.

by aimala1, keyword: onwards and upwards
I actually wrote a whole post about staircases when I got this icon, and how I really like the visual of them, always receding and yet always coming closer at the same time - up or down - it's all a matter of how you look at it.

by likeadeuce, keyword: why ain't in your repertoire no more
Detective Carver from "The Wire." 'Cause he's hot and he's cranky and he's grown a lot over the course of the series. The keyword is something I think Omar says, actually, but it just struck me as sort of a no-nonsense icon and keyword. I don't use it as much as I should.

by ingrid_m, keyword: fool in the rain, seasonal
Since it's fall, this is now my seasonal icon - the grey and gold of it feel fall-like to me. Also, it's pretty.

by me, but spruced up by liviapenn, keywords: blue-eyed son of a hurricane, dream
In casting the crew of Serenity as the Endless, Mal is obviously Dream, which is where that keyword comes from, and here, he's looking off into the distance - um, I think he's actually contemplating the job on Lilac in the movie, but he looks like he's got that thousand-yard stare going. "Blue-eyed son of a hurricane" is a line from the song "Secretariat" by Jeffrey Foucault, which is an awesome song, and also, very Mal-associated to me (Foucault's music is a large part of my Firefly-writing soundtrack), because Mal is a force of nature.

by maplest, keywords: i was born in a summer storm, tom
Tom McRae lyrics FTW! This is a line from "I Ain't Scared of Lightning," and I dunno, it just feels right to me, of all the Tom lyric icons I've rotated through, that this one is the one I've kept longest. Possibly because summer is my favorite season and I love summer storms.

by fox1013, keyword: can't look clowns will eat me
ignipes also asked about this one. It's Kermit, shielding his eyes from the horror of... I don't know what. But that's kind of what I use it for, very "Oh no, I can't look!" I sometimes also use it as a *facepalm* icon, though I have muppet!Angel for that, as well.

These are the icons ignipes asked me about:

by liviapenn, keyword: ouch
The Shrieking Shack! This is the quintessential angsty Remus/Sirius icon. Because their wounds are self-inflicted. After OotP, liviapenn did a whole series of Remus/Sirius icons with captions from the song "Want" by Recoil, and this is the one I've kept in rotation longest, because it seems to me to embody all the things that went wrong with Remus and Sirius, how their own inability to trust each other when it counted brought so much pain and misery down on everyone they loved.

by me, keywords: CJ, pimping, squee
Man, this is one of the first icons I ever made, and boy does it show. It's awful, but I love it. Mostly because it's Allison Janney looking SO FUCKING THRILLED (I'm pretty sure she's just won an Emmy, and she's sitting on Martin Sheen's lap here). "You want to make out with me right now." "When don't I?" is one of my favoritest CJ/Toby exchanges, so that's why it says that, and this is my squee icon because, as I said, she looks so happy, and whenever I feel awesome, I feel like saying, "You want to make out with me right now, don't you?" I would love to have this icon updated by someone who knows what they're doing, but god only knows where the original picture is now.

by lunaris1013, keywords: me, shameless
lunaris1013 has made many icons for me over the years, and she also makes fabulous pin-up icons, and I just really liked this pin-up girl, and wanted something with my name on it. It's also keyworded "shameless" because she's topless and she doesn't give a damn.

by ranalore, keywords: BNF, repudiates
My repudiating Faulkner icon! That's William Faulkner there, and in his books, people do a lot of repudiating - of their birthrights, of their families, of their illegitimate children, of their incestuous desires for their siblings, etc. Back in the early days of fandom on LJ, after one of the dust-ups over BNFs, there was a trend in iconning to make icons that said things like, "Bare Naked Faith" etc., and so I had one keyworded BNF, and it just seemed like Faulkner would fit there. I don't use this icon often enough, mostly because I'm afraid people would take it seriously when I meant it ironically and ironically when I meant it seriously.

art by iharthdarth, icon by dragonelf_2002, keyword: squicked
Okay, speaking of using icons ironically, this is meant to be me being funny about my penchant for writing hetcest. That's Darth Vader reacting to being told that Luke finds Leia hot. Vader is squicked; I probably am not.

by oxoniensis, keyword: Shakespeare hates your emo poems
I think it's hilarious. I post a lot of poetry, and so it seemed funny to me.


I still have the same four and a half sections to write that I did last night. Oops. I hope work isn't busy today.


memes: fannish, memes: icons

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