darling, you've got to let me know

Oct 15, 2007 10:52

You know, I generally don't mind Mondays (Tuesdays are much worse, in my experience), but the whole Sunday night-into-Monday morning transition just sucks. It's horrible and I hate it and would like it to go away now. Can we do something about that? Sooner rather than later?


There was fic yesterday:

Flesh for Stone
Supernatural; Sam/Dean; pg; minor spoilers through 3.01; 3,837 words
"If I find a way to free your soul, the demon lets us both go, no strings attached. If I don't, she gets mine, too. It's a great deal."

It's a Sam/Dean variation of Tam Lin (or Tamlane, as I first learned the story), and those of you who've been with me through various fandoms know this isn't the first time I've refit this story to fannish purposes (I still think the Remus/Sirius version might be the best one I've done; cathybites made me some FABulous art for it, though I am not finding the link to that atm), and this time around, I took a lot of liberties with what we know about demons in the SPN-verse to make it work. I mean, I thought about the straight-up retelling - SPN, like Angel and HP, is a source where there could conceivably be a Faerie Queen - but since I'd done that already with HP (and Angel), and Dean's soul was already in hock to someone, it seemed more interesting to play with that scenario instead. I dunno. I like how it turned out.


I have been contemplating signing up for spn_holidays, but as I write the list of things I can't or won't do, I am remembering why I never signed up for the big holiday fests in HP fandom - I have a lot of lines, some of them very odd (e.g., one of my don'ts is pre-Stanford Wincest, except if Sam has always been a girl. Yeah, I know. Shut up.), that I have no wish to cross (in the sense that I have no desire to write some of these things, and would be constitutionally unable to write some of them in a way the requester would enjoy). Added to that, in this case, is the fact that the requests I have, the ones that make me excited to think about receiving, are mostly things many of the people already signed up have said they won't write (er, het, mainly). So I am watching the sign-ups and waiting to see if I would be a good fit or if I would just be that really annoying participant who doesn't quite match up anywhere and throws everything out of whack.

As someone who's run a few ficathons, I am very aware of my own behavior as a participant, and I try not to be the bad participant, the unique and special snowflake who requires everything just so, and so makes things difficult for the challenge mods.

And some of those requests are amazingly detailed in a way that scares me, because that means the person has a particular story in mind, and the story she has in mind is unlikely to be the story I would write, even with the lengthy and detailed summary. Possibly because of the lengthy and detailed summary.

With holiday ficathon season upon us, there's been a lot of talk about how to write challenge prompts, and the thing I've found works best for me as a writer is a prompt that has some details - Sam and Dean, a traffic jam, an unexpectedly open conversation - but not too much detail, which will just box me in - Sam and Dean go to Captree State Park to investigate a some mysterious deaths on a fishing boat and it turns out to be a siren, which they defeat with a special silver-tipped harpoon that belonged to Herman Melville, who, it turns out, was a hunter back in the day, and after it's done, they stick around and do some fishing and drink some Coors light with the crew. neither of these are real prompts. I mean, with that latter prompt, why is this person not writing the story herself, you know?

Though now I kinda want fic where Herman Melville was a hunter back in the day, and the white whale is a metaphor for a demon, and Moby Dick is just a really long and heavily coded hunter's journal, and Dean discovers this when he's forced to read it in high school, and he shockingly aces that one paper.

Um. My brain, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you it.

ANYway. I have been interrupted several times here at work, so I am not even sure what my point was, except more people should sign up to spn_holidays with prompts I would be able to write (and a willingness to write Dean-het), so I can feel comfortable signing up.

Because it is, as always, all about me.


writing: neuroses, sometimes i scare myself, writing: ficathons

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