i've been beat up, i've been thrown out, but i'm not down

Jan 12, 2007 22:40

So I was rewatching "Hunted" and I ::heart:: Ellen SO MUCH when she's all, "SCREW THAT! What else is family for?"

And when Sam untied Dean and there was the almost hug and the face touching, I think I actually said out loud, "oh my god, heart." Um. yeah. And then again at the end with the "Bitch." "Jerk." exchange, which is my kinda declaration of love.

Anyway. The reason I'm posting - I don't know why it didn't strike me last night, but when Sam finds Ava's ring, I think it's meant to indicate that Ava struggled with whoever killed her fiance, and that she was taken involuntarily. By Duane Barry Tanner. Hence the slit throat.

I guess I really don't want her to be evil, because she's hilarious and cute as a button and normal and kickass. And she called Sam "dude" and was all, "I came here to save your weirdo ass." And I want Dean to punch Sam's arm and say, "punch buggy blue! no punchbacks!" when he sees her vintage Beetle. And I want them to bond over the difficulty of getting parts for old cars and for him to tell Sam he should date her.

ANYWAY. I think Duane is a likely candidate for Ava-napper.

Also, I watched both Director's Cuts and the promo for next week, and OMG Dean! Mocking hungover Sam FTW! *hearts* I've been in both places, and there is no finer feeling than not having a hangover when someone else is experiencing the technicolor yawn. As long as they are not doing it on your shoes.


They're trying so hard to get back to normal! And god, I hope they weren't in that ugly motel room for a month. It was all brown and ugly. I've missed the ugly motel rooms, but this week's blue rose wallpaper was choice.

And is that Stephanie Beacham doing the voiceover in the promo? Sounds like her, anyway.

In other news, I posted fic yesterday!

As a friend, as a known enemy
Friday Night Lights; Jason/Tyra; adult; spoilers through Nevermind; 1,560 words
Tyra's the only one who doesn't want anything from him.

Another fandom written in! Go me! I honestly did not expect to write in this fandom, and if I did, I would have thought it'd be about Matt and Julie, or maybe Coach and Tami Taylor. But Tyra is awesome, and should have fic written about her, so.

hesychasm has a great post outlining wonderful possible futures for Jason, Tyra, Matt and Julie, and Coach and Mrs. Coach. *hearts*


tv: friday night lights, tv: supernatural: episode-related, links

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