Title: Your Wrinkles Betray You
#30 UnforgivingGenre: Humour
Characters: Megaera Rosier, Nikolai Rosier, Evan Rosier, random woman.
Rating: G
Word Count: 687
Author's Note: I recently discovered that my Megaera!muse is a jealous woman. She will quite happily make others bleed to keep her husband hers. (No one bleeds in this however.)
Summary: Evan is ignored. Meg gets jealous. Niko is... Niko.
The redhead with the dazzling blue eyes tossed her hair over her shoulder again and at the same time managed to move herself closer to the Russian. She was laughing, probably at something horrendously unfunny Nikolai had said. Her hand rested just above his shoulder on the couch and, if Meg saw her lay even one finger on her husband, heads would roll.
The toddler beside Meg mumbled something about being hungry. Megaera patted him on the head as if she had been listening but she didn't take her eyes off the pair in the corner.
“Mother-” the boy started, his voice showing no signs of a childish lisp or mispronunciation - the redhead inched closer, “-I can't reach the enchan-”
The hand resting on the couch above Nikolai moved onto his shoulder and Meg began to slide her wand from out of her sleeve. Because of the amount of women she had to chase off her husband at these gatherings, Meg always wore long sleeves to give her easy wand access. As she stormed off across the room, she summoned Elf to attend to her son. The wand was kept out of sight, for now, as sometimes these confrontations were resolved with a simple cold glare or a cold drink spilt down the front of a rather expensive looking dress.
Nikolai half froze as he spotted his wife of the war path, the smile on his face escaped his eyes and he was left with an uncomfortable grimace as he tried to move out of the red-head's reach. Seemingly only having eyes for Nikolai, the girl decided it was an invitation and shuffled along the couch towards him, unknowingly endangering herself further. Nikolai backed off again and, sensing something was wrong, the woman stayed where she was. Perhaps he had lost interest, were her thoughts. Nikolai, however, hadn't lost interest, only an opportunity.
Megaera reached the alcove of sofas where her husband and the redhead sat. Not stopping, she twirled around half blinding the girl with a flourish of silk in her face and placed herself firmly between the two. She caught her husband's eye and kept his gaze there. The redhead, not catching on to why Megaera was there, raised her eyebrow arrogantly.
“Are you lost?” the redhead drawled at her.
Megaera didn't flinch. “No, my dear, I know exactly where I am,” she replied coolly. She was noting every little emotion that passed through her husband's eyes, amusement, worry, bemusement and the slightest hint of fear.
“If I'm correct, the garden is where the younger ones tend to go at these parties. Why don't you go and join your friends?”
Meg pursed her lips and turned around.
“If you're trying to make a joke at the fact that I am happily married before the age of of, what? Thirty? You can forget it.. Greater women than you have tried to better me. Try and find them now.”
“How dare you! Thirty? I'm barely twenty-four!”
Meg narrowed her eyes at the redhead.
“Indeed you are barely twenty-four. More of twenty-eight,” she smiled as the girl flinched, “You shouldn't spend so much time in the sun. Your wrinkles betray you.”
The redhead had no retorts. She simply sat there, mouth gaping like a fish out of water.
“How dare you!” was all she could stutter and after a few more attempts to injure Meg's ego with poorly thought of insults, she flounced off, outraged to have been bettered by someone younger than her.
Nikolai released a breath he hadn't realised he had been holding. There was a few moments of silence until Evan came toddling over. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, however, Megaera muttered to Niko, “I'm sick of this party. Attend to your son. I'm going home.”
Meg was gone and Nikolai was left with his boy. He sighed and patted the child on the head, as if he had been listening to what Evan had just mumbled. With a slight smile, the Russian announced dreamily, “I love that woman.”