Title: Three Aces
#20 AddictionGenre: Humour
Characters: Astoria Greengrass, Rashnu Lestrange, Nikolai Rosier, Evan Rosier, Alecto Carrow, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange.
Rating: G
Word Count: 507
Author's Note: Another drunk!Slytherin fic. They're generally fun.
Summary: Astoria is winning in Poker.
“Is having three Aces good?”
There was several grunts and a few annoyed sighs and then a mass folding session.
“Did I win?”
“Oooh! Good!”
Astoria wrapped her arms around the pile of chips in the centre of the table and pulled them toward her, her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth in concentration. Her collection was growing and it delighted her, if only because she liked the stacks of pretty colours; she hadn't realised they represented money.
“Anyone in for the next round?” Evan asked. He was only a little drunk but he was sober enough to deal the cards and make sure no one was cheating.
There was a few shrugs, people had grown tired of losing to a beginner.
Astoria fished a bottle of Firewhiskey out from underneath her chair along with a neon pink straw. With an airy look on her face, she decided, “I think I'll sit this round out.”
Immediately the shrugs turned into happier faces beckoning cards to be passed their way and chips being flipped into the centre. Evan smiled slightly and dealt the cards.
After a few more bet raises, Rashnu turned to Rabastan, who happened to be raising the bet every time he got the chance, and raised an eyebrow. “That had better not be my money you're gambling away.”
Rabastan paused, thought for a moment and then stated, “No, I believe the ownership changed as soon as you put it into my hand.”
His response was greeted with a swift smack across the back of his head. Rodolphus smirked from the other side of his father and was given the same response.
“Some people never change,” Rodolphus grumbled to his cards.
“Actually... I think he's scarier,” Alecto replied with a thoughtful frown. “Not that he frightens me.”
Rashnu frowned, “Wait, which of me is scarier?”
“Got to be future Rashnu,” Nikolai pointed out, “You are sweet as little kitten.” He leaned over the table and pinched his friends cheeks. Niko received a death glare from Rashnu that said 'Don't make me hurt you'. But the Russian had already crossed that line and Rashnu lashed out with a fist. A fist, that hit the air as Nikolai dodged back into his chair, foreseeing potential facial harm.
Rabastan hid behind his cards to hide his delight, whilst Rod managed to snort Firewhiskey up his nose. Alecto laughed freely, not afraid of Lestrange.
“See,” she announced, “Scarier.”
“I don't think he's scary,” Astoria replied, finishing her latest bottle of Firewhiskey and helping herself to the next one.
Rashnu tossed his cards into the centre, growling as he left for the dormitories, “I give up. No women will decide whether I'm scary or not.”
Moments after he was gone, Evan fished his cards from the middle of the table. He smiled after inspecting them for a moment. “That's a shame, he would have won.”