2011 in Fic

Jan 01, 2012 01:13

As I did in 2011 for 2010, I summarized all of my writing for the year, did a little meme about my fics, and posted links to all my 2011 works!

This past year I wrote more (both by fic count and word count), challenged myself, and opened myself up to knew fandoms.

Fics This Year (by fandom)

Harry Potter

Mr Jones and Me [James/Lily, Remus/Sirius] (2,793 words)
Happiest Yet [Remus/Sirius] (739 words)
Hogsmeade. This Weekend [Lily/James] (871 words)
Kiss, Just As Before [Lily/James] (1,996 words)
Yellow, With Lace and Ribbon [Gen] (504 words)
Like Sinking, Like Flying [Lily/James] (499 words)
A Second Troy [Gen] (455 words)
Why Caged Birds Sing [Sirius/Andromeda] (2,315 words)
Stolen Moments [Lily/James] (524 words)
A Place Called Desolation [Lily/James] (495 words)
A Noble and Most Ancient House [Remus/Sirius] (17,131 words)
Of Weddings and Pranks [Lily/James] (498 words)
Love That Consumes Burns Brightest [Sirius/Teddy] (5,152 words)
Trudging On I [Lily/James] (748 words)
Trudging On II [Remus/Sirius] (638 words)
Among Mad People [Gen] (3,640 words)
All In The Golden Afternoon [Lily/James] (100 words)
Undone [Lily/James] (597 words)
The (Idiotic) Things We Do For Love [Remus/Sirius] (9,142 words)
I Never Told You [Lily/James] (3,840 words)
Wrong, In All The Right Ways [Remus/Sirius] (22,353 words)
War Torn [Remus/Sirius] (480 words)
Relinquish [Remus/Sirius] (1,435 words)
your life bound in shallows [Gen] (829 words)
Homecoming [Remus/Sirius] (3,516 words)
Just A Girl [Lily/James] (1,205 words)
My Mistress' Eyes [Lily/James] (629 words)
Vale Dicere [Lily/James] (8,119 words)
On Golden Sands [Alice/James] (2,894 words)
500 Miles (I'm Coming Home to You) [Remus/Sirius] (13,697 words)
All Is Calm [Lily/James] (1,120 words)

Queer As Folk

Lost Boys [Gen] (793 words)
Culinary Endeavors [Brian/Justin] (517 words)
The First Time [Brian/Justin] (478 words)
Five Minutes, Forty-Six Seconds [Brian/Justin] (785 words)
Recovery [Brian/Justin] (3,700 words)
Retail Therapy and Birthday Blues [Brian/Justin](502 words)
Revisited [Brian/Justin] (750 words)
Three's A Crowd [Brian/Justin] (30,320 words)
Undefined and Unconventional [Brian/Justin] (855 words)
War, Taylor-Kinney Style [Brian/Justin] (632 words)


In Too Deep [Castle/Beckett] (809 words)

Total Fics: 42 fics

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?

Hmm, I'm not really sure. I expected to be about as active in fandom as I was in 201, but I guess what was surprising is how all of my fics balanced out. I had a lot of drabbles/ficlets this year and a few heavy hitters as opposed to 2010 where I think it was more balanced out. So I suppose it was roughly what I predicted.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?

Lj as always been my central achieve for my fics and probably always will be. In addition to LJ, I did a lot of crossposting to FF.net, AO3, IJ, and MidnightWhispers.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in December 2010?

Oh god, Queer as Folk fandom definitely. I'd never watched the show before and now it has taken over my fandom life. I'm not even sorry either, lol. So no, I never knew I'd be so taken with Brian and Justin and all the characters from Queer as Folk, but I imagine they will center heavily into my 2012 work.

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.

I really enjoyed writing On Golden Sands because I have never written Alice/James before or het fic with age disparity. I loved being able to highlight Alice's maturity, levelheadedness, and reserved personality in contrast to James' brash, outlandish, immature, proud one. It was a fantastic writing experience and one I found incredibly memorable.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.

Three's A Crowd, definitely. I love the story, but I could have never imaged just how many followers I would have or reviews when I started it out. It was my first QAF fic, and I really didn't know what I was doing, lol! It's still a learning process, especially with every canon character I focus in on, but such an awesome journey!

Story most under appreciated by the universe?

Vale Dicere without a doubt. A lot of people seemed really excited about it, but like...no one reviewed, lol! I worked really hard on the first chapter, but with a total lack of feedback/support/readers, I feel very uninspired to write it. I'm very much a person who writes for others' enjoyment, so it was sort of heartbreaking for me to see just how many people never bothered to tell me if they liked it or hated it. So maybe I'll try the fic again in 2012, or maybe I'll just abandon the project.

Story that could have been better?

500 Miles (I'm Coming Home To You). I had a lot of ideas for additional scenes for this fic, but the deadline was very quickly approaching and I just didn't have the time to see the vision completely through. It's very frustrating as an author to have to rush an ending, even if the readers never feel how rushed it is.

In addition, the first scene in Three's A Crowd with Brian at the airport drives me crazy! Like, I have no idea how any of my readers were able to continue reading after such a lousy opening scene. Ugh. I revised and revised, but nothing really worked. Things picked up in the second scene, I found my groove, but damn!

Sexiest story?

Like Sinking, Like Flying was definitely the fan favorite sexy story this year, I think. However, I sort of loved Why Caged Birds Sing because, not only is it naughty, but it's also got Sirius/Andromeda blackcest, which is always a treat, lol. So for me, that one was my favorite sexy story.

Most fun story?

Mr. Jones and Me, I think. I find that one really memorable and sort of celebrated the bromance of Sirius and James. There was a touch of romance, too, but it was great just to be able to write them having a boys day out and being themselves.

Story with single sweetest moment?

In Recovery, there is a scene where Brian takes Justin out on a post-2.02 sex date in a moment of temporary insanity. I loved that scene so much because I was somehow able to stay true to character while putting those two in a completely hetero-defined romantic scenario. It was just exciting and I love the idea of Brian taking Justin out on one post-bashing date that's "definitely not a date", lol.

The story that made you cry?

The scene in Vale Dicere where Lily and Petunia discuss Lily's return was a very moving scene to write. I wouldn't necessarily say it made me cry, but it gave me a lot of ~feels~, lol. I mean, it's a scene that defined an entire series (according to MS head!canon), so yeah.

Hardest story to write?

500 Miles (I'm Coming Home To You). What a total pain in the ass! I went through so, so many ideas before I could settle on one, false started a million times, and just generally wanted to die inside. The part that made it difficult was that the scenario that I decided on could only be written from Remus' POV but I was participating on Team Sirius at the time. That meant that my fic had to be Remus/Sirius but more Sirius-centric. Hence the difficulty of making it from Remus' POV. But, I did it anyway because the story would just not write, and it turned out very well received! So I'm particularly proud of that one for that reason.

Easiest story to write?

Five Minutes, Forty-Six Seconds. The thing just wrote itself! Like, to the point where my style completed shifted without my intention to do so. But it was a really exciting and moving piece to write and I love it.

Most overdue story?

Vale Dicere, but, as I mentioned above, that didn't work out so well, lol. I'd been intending to write it for such a long time and then it just blew up in my face. So yeah.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?

Well, again as I mentioned above, I wrote two Sirius-centric fics from Remus' POV, which is always risky (A Noble and Most Ancient House was the other). I also indulged in some blackcest, touched on the topic of rape with Vale Dicere again, and wrote a lot about a gay bashing. I also explored another fandom besides HP.

I guess I learned that risk taking can be a challenging and rewarding experience. If touching on sensitive topics, it's always good to approach the scenario with respect and awareness. I feel like I did that more often and not, and things were generally well received.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?

Finish Three's A Crowd for sure! Do some TAC post-fic one-shots. Take some risks in QAF fanfic (write Brian/Lindsay, for one, lol!). Try to do more drabble-gift-giving again because it was a lot of fun and a great way to give back to all of those who support me.

Total word count: 162,574

success! the land is yours, writing, i do all the things, you say obsession like it's a bad thing

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