#119 [FIC] Snow, Byou(Screw)/Ena(xTRiPx), oneshot

Dec 03, 2009 00:11

Title: Snow
Chapter: oneshot
Author: murderis
Mystery Pairing(band): Byou(Screw)/Ena(xTRiPx)
Challenge Set #: 4
Theme: Prompts #049. Snow
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: manxman, hints of making love
Disclaimer: I just own story and my stupid fantasy.
Summary: This wasn’t like Byou at all, but oh, what could he do for the person he loves.
Comments: Just because everyone is writing about snow it doesn’t mean that it’s really snowing. Like here, it’s not. T.T So let it (not) snow! :D Hope you like it~ Comments and everything else are cookies. Written for mystery_pairing .

“Good morning.” Byou yawned. Usually by the time Byou wakes up, Ena is already awake, so it has become a habit to greet him once he opens his eyes. But since Byou didn’t hear an answer, he thought that maybe Ena is still sleeping. Therefore, he turned around to hug him, but instead hugged emptiness. That made him finally fully open his eyes and see that his lover wasn’t in the bed. And just then he heard some noises from the other room.

He walked into living room, sleepily rubbed his eyes and tried again, “Good morning.” Ena was sitting by the TV, but he was completely ignoring Byou. Byou walked closer to him.

“Hey, it’s still so early, why are you already watching TV?”
“I’m not,” Ena pouted.
“Then what are you doing?” Ena pouted even more.
“Nothing,” Byou blinked few times and then sat next to his boyfriend.
“Say, what’s wrong?” Ena turned off TV, threw away the remote and sighed while turning to face Byou.
“It’s not snowing.”

Byou got up from the sofa and went to look through window. Indeed, it was just like it was whole last month - already not-so-green grass, fallen leaves and naked trees. That made him sigh too.

“But Ena, it’s only the beginning of December. There will be loads of snow by the time Christmas come.” He turned around and smiled widely. “There will be lots of it, so much that we won’t be able to go outside!” Ena just threw him ‘you’re impossible’ look and lied down on the sofa. Although Byou was right in a way, he wanted snow now, not ‘by the time Christmas come’. Ena heard Byou rustling behind him, then he sat next to him and placed a quick peck on his lips.

“Aww, Ena. Don’t be so grumpy.” Byou reached out a hand and rubbed Ena’s cheek. “Why do you need snow anyways? You have me.” smirk painted his lips.
“Byou! Shut up!” Byou sighed. If he couldn’t make Ena forget about snow, then he should just do something better, like taking a shower.


Since Ena was grumpy like this all day, Byou had to do something about it. He couldn’t let their routine be ruined just because of snow. Stupid snow.

So Byou took a lot of papers, scissors and thread and not answering Ena’s stupid snow-related questions he went to their bedroom. This wasn’t like Byou at all, but oh, what could he do for the person he loves. He started making paper snowflakes. Big, medium-sized, small - all kinds of snowflakes. And when he had enough, he managed to hang them on the ceiling and stick some to the window. Then he cleaned up his work place, found Ena’s favorite scarf and went to look for him. And of course, found him on the living room’s sofa, blonde barely changed his position that day.

“Ena, guess what.” vocalist walked behind him.
“Uh, what now? Hey, what’s that?” suddenly, drummer’s eyes were covered by a scarf.
“Oh, nothing. I’ll make it snow for you.” whispered Byou to Ena’s ear, while binding that scarf. Then he dragged Ena to the bedroom. “You can take it off now. Well, what do you think?”

Ena was speechless, even though reason behind it was unknown. Byou couldn’t tell if he was surprised, even more annoyed or anything else. But before Byou could give up, Ena turned around and pulled brunet into a bones-crushing hug.

“Oh God, Byou! You’re the best!” that was all Byou needed. Smirk painted his lips again and before Ena could pull away or anything, he crashed their lips together.

Soon enough, they found themselves half naked in the bed, hands roaming all over each other’s bodies, tongues fighting for dominance, and lust growing with each sound the other made. Yup, Byou definitely reached his goal with this fake snow.

b:xtripx, b:screw, p:byouxena, fanfic

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