Cats and juries

Dec 12, 2006 11:43

I went to jury duty yesterday, saved from a 5:30 AM bus by jkyllo's generous offer of a ride. I got to the Kent Regional Justice Center at 8, as required, and we didn't have to leave until 7 to get there! I went through selection on one case, but I was #38 out of 40 in the pool, and it turned out I wasn't needed. When I went downstairs to check back in, they excused me (and the others who didn't end up on the jury) from further service! So I got to sleep in this morning, hurray!

jkyllo picked me up after I was finished, and we went to Ikea to measure furniture after we had a few munchies at the Ram across from the courthouse. We decide we wanted to buy the furniture (new desks for the office and possibly a small, wheeled TV cart), but when we went to the self-serve warehouse, it was discovered that the boxes wouldn't fit in the car. I was not up for dealing with receiving a delivery, so we are going back next week or later this week with a Flexcar vehicle of some sort. On the way out we saw a sign for a sale starting Thursday, so maybe we will save a little $$ for waiting! I did get a yummy spiced holiday tea at Ikea, which softened the blow of no furniture a little :)

The cats have met, in a very supervised way. Much growling and some hissing was involved. They need to be able to share a house by the end of the week, because we are going to be gone almost all of Friday and a 24-hr period from Saturday evening to Sunday evening. I don't expect them to love each other, but I can't leave the new ones locked in a tiny room that long with us gone. The good news is that no-one was actually attacked, just growled at.

The new kitties, Jane and Ophelia, seem to be adapting well. They are climbing on things and interfering with my typing while squealing for attention, so I think they will be ok. The only question is, will Lucifer be ok?

jury duty, ikea, cats

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