Jul 05, 2009 02:47
So I have a new recurring character in my life: grumpy, 3AM cop. This guy pulled me over again tonight! This time, however, it was basically for no reason at all.
Brian and I are leaving James' house and we see flashing lights across the street. Brian says "Uh oh. Cops" and I jokingly say "It's probably that asshole guy." So we go on our merry ways into our cars and head home. I'm pulling up to the fabled one way bridge and I see a flash of white on a black car behind me: a copper. So I stop completely and just sit there for a full red light. That cop must have been so proud of me. He then proceeds to follow me and I'm thinking "aw shit now I have to be extra careful how I drive because there is a cop behind me and he will probably follow me to the town limit just because he is bored." Nope.
I go a nice 30-35 mph and then I reach the top of that hill just past the bridge and I begin to pick up a slight bit of speed. Immediately, this cop turns his lights on and I'm just "WHAT THE FUCK!? I LITERALLY DID NOTHING WRONG!" This cop knows its the light runner from 2 nights ago and is just disappointed in me or something. This guy MUST be new because I've never had a problem before.
Anyways, he comes up to my window and it decides to act up and it won't roll down for me. I'm freaking out, he's standing at the window shining the light on me and I'm pushing this button like crazy trying to get it down. I finally get it down and I bumble out something about how its broken kind of. Any time I talk to this guy he must think I'm high or something because I turn into a bumbling idiot.
He says "What are you doing at the funeral home? I know nobody is supposed to be back there at this time of night." So I proceed to stumble over an explanation of how my friend I mean his dad talked to the owner of the funeral home and he lets us park back there. The cop is trying to trick me now and he keeps asking me where my friends house is. I try to tell him the funeral home is right behind where my friend lives. For some reason he is not buying it and asks me if my friend lives across the street. I don't fall for it. Then he asks me if he lives next to the Beal House. I say yes.
We then have an awkward exchange where he tells me I'm not in trouble, he was just wondering why I was coming out of the Funeral home, and proceeds to point out that he pulled me over 2 nights ago. He then looks at his watch and says "You guys sure stay out late, I mean, I know it's the fourth of July and all" He then lets me go.
I freak out. I wanna call Brian and tell him I was right and it was that asshole from before! Unfortunately, Brian's phone died when he got contact high and freaked out and jumped in a jacuzzi fully clothed with his phone in his pocket.
This night has been fully ridiculous and will be something I won't forget for at least a year.