Mercury Retrograde

Mar 11, 2019 16:38

That's the only explanation I can come up with.

So I have this schmancy battery-powered alarm clock that synchs to the atomic clock in Boulder, CO. Or at least, it's supposed to. Sometimes, the radio signal doesn't penetrate our walls, so on time changes it simply doesn't change the time. Sometimes I re-set it myself at time changes and it changes an additional hour. Well, this time, I decided to let it do its thing, but also changed the time on Mr. 42's alarm clock myself and set it for the desired time so I wouldn't be late to singing on Sunday morning. To my pleasant surprise, my clock re-set itself and all was well, and we sang Purcell and Cardoso and it was glorious.

Just before light's out last night, I half-jokingly asked Mr. 42 if our alarm clocks showed the same time (my contacts were out so I couldn't see all that well), and he confirmed that they did. So I let myself relax into sleep.


When I checked my clock in the morning, it was a few minutes before my alarm was to go off at 6:05 am, so I gave Clara some love. "Odd," I thought as I cuddled the pup, "I figured it'd be darker at this new 6am." So I went downstairs to grab my phone and lo, all the clocks and my phone confirmed that it was actually 7:05 am, and my freaking alarm clock had REVERTED to standard time in the night.


So no shower for me. Boo, greasy head. Thankfully, Mr. 42 offered to take morning walkies so I was only a bit late to work, even after opting to drive. But then I couldn't get my blasted temporary parking permit to print at home, so I had to sneak into the receiving dock at work, print my permit, and then go find parking, and thankfully there were still spaces, but that's just one more delay.

As if that wasn't enough, that was when I realized I'd forgotten my wallet at home (it was still in my beach bag from a Saturday trip to Fiesta Island with the doggos). Thankfully, I'd ordered breakfasty refreshments for the seminar and I had a gift card I could use for lunch, so I have not gone hungry today, but BOY I feel not smart.

And then there was a frozen lock in one of the labs that I had to WD-40, so I was a bit late getting over to the seminar room, but thankfully L the vidographer was there and already set up, and catering arrived in due course.

But then my breakfast host FINALLY delivered my seminar speaker a mere five minutes before his talk was supposed to begin (I asked him to get the speaker there 30-15 minutes early), soL and I sprang into action, got the seminar's laptop hooked up in record time, and we started only five minutes late. Go us!

Nothing has broken irreparably, but it's exhausting to be in git-er-done mode from the moment you wake up.

I'm glad I had some time to relax this weekend, though of course not everything went according to plan.

Despite being tired, I did end up going to the Fronteras/Common Ground Voices concert on Friday night, which was pretty awesome. It started off with some fun from my favorite nonprofit after-school program circus, Fern Street Circus, some spoken word poetry, and finally, the performance by F/CGV, a cross-border choir put together specifically for these performances, featuring singers from all over the US and Mexico, performing music on border themes, and it was freaking incredible. They performed their whole set attaca, with interstitial music and readings, there was interesting staging, and they performed several new pieces by members of the choir, that included everything from throat singing to found text. The whole thing created this remarkable emotional tension that was truly special. And it ended with a sing-along, dance-along of Guantanamera, which was a joy. MC, who was the singer from Texas who stayed with us, did a glorious job, and we were so proud of her! I'm so happy I went, especially since my passport isn't current, so I couldn't have attended the second concert in Tijuana on Saturday night.

After the show, I popped by a brewery that was right around the corner and enjoyed a taster flight. A number of the performers arrived shortly after I did, so congratulations were delivered and scritches were given to their fuzzy lil' canine mascot, who belonged to one of the basses. However, when I finished my flight and attempted to go home, my car wouldn't start. So I let Mr. 42 know where I was, called AAA, and waited for the very nice young man to come give my battery a jump. It took a while for the charge to take, but I drove home without an issue.

I slept disgracefully late on Saturday morning, got up, breakfasted, did some cleaning, and tried to take the Long Low Ladies to Fiesta Island, but the battery was dead again. So I took the dogs for a longish walk around the neighborhood and called AAA again, this time to get the battery replaced. Thankfully, it was sitll under warranty, so it only set me back $30 in labor. Yay! So I celebrated successful adulting with a ramen lunch, did some more cleaning until the dogs made it VERY clear that they still wanted their trip to Fiesta Island. So we had a lovely sunset meander around Fiesta. Mr. 42 arrived home from work shortly after we did, and MC arrived no long after from a long day of border shenanigans and their performance in Tijuana. So we relaxed and cahtted, and all manner of thing was lovely.

Sunday was fun. After singing beautifully at church, I walked the girls, and Mr. 42 and I went to see Captain Marvel, which was loads of fun. It had a great deal of fun unpacking sexist expectations and "dark" superhero tropes in ways that ranged from funny to poignant. The cast is absolutely superb, too. I was reasonably impressed with the de-aging done on Samuel L Jackson and Clark Gregg, too. And there was excellent use of cat.

This week is not-quite-so-busy-as-last week, thank goodness.

Monday: Day 1 of candidate 11/11, Master Chorale rehearsal (Puccini)
Tuesday: Day 2 of candidate 11/11, dinner and hangings out with CS
Wednesday: catch up on ALL THE WORK, FREEEE evening (work on Puccini and Evensong music)
Thursday: more catch up, Heavenly Choir rehearsal
Friday: section business meeting, FREEEEE evening (possibly more Puccini and Evensong)
Saturday: FREEE day, seeing Angels in America part 1 at the Cygnet (squee!)
Sunday: morning service, Evensong

And then we're in Puccini production week, heaven help us. At least after Tuesday we can revert to our usual level of slovinliness at home, since we won't be having company for a while. Poor Rosie the Roomba will end up choking on carpet fiber bunnies, but being able to flop fully in one's own home is awfully nice.





work, concert, sdmc, friends

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